Page 43 of Awaiting

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“See you later,” Bexley replied. Once Nora was gone, Bexley returned her attention to Alice. “Back to St.Rais.”

“Yes, we are going to St.Rais. Yes, I invited you. What’s the problem?”

“I can’t go, Alice. I need to stay here and work.”

“No, you need to have a little fun while you’re here, too.”

“Didn’t you guys just have fun? Alex and I watched your kids for you so you could go have that fun.”

Alice laughed and said, “We had private fun, yes, but we haven’t seen Elizabeth and Palmer since the babies were born. They asked us to visit, and my guess is that part of that invitation has to do with that adorable little boy over there and his equally adorable sister in the nursery.”

“Great. You guys go. Take Alex. I’ll stay here and–”

“Take Alex?” Alice asked.

“Yeah, she’s the one who told me about the trip.”

“Why do you wantherto go, butyouplan on staying?”

“I didn’t say that,” Bexley replied. “She’s just around a lot, and it’s great, but it makes it hard for me to get any work done.”


“Because she’s distracting.”


“Al, focus,” Bexley said.

“Iamfocused. You find Alex distracting.”

“Sometimes, yes. She sits in the back of the room when I’m teaching and just kind of stares at me.”

“Like your students do?”

“Yeah, but she’s not a student.”

“She’s there to audit the program, Bex.”

“But it feels like she’s auditingme. She even suggested I go to the UK with her to start the program.”

“She did?”

“Yes. I told her I couldn’t, obviously, but… I don’t know. She just seems really interested in what I do.”

“Isn’t that a good thing? You’re here to get people interested in it.”

“Not the future Queen of England,” Bexley argued.

Tor started to fuss, so Alice looked over at him, smiling.

“He doesn’t like being away from Jules,” she said.

“Really? When Alex and I were babysitting, we had them in the same crib for, like, thirty seconds, and they didn’t seem too happy about it.”

“Were either of them gassy? It was probably gas.”

“Why are we talking about baby gas?”

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