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"If you sayokayone more time, I will scream!"

"I do not know what you are getting at!" he shouts. "Why did you pull me in here?"

"I'm pregnant, Logan!" My ears start to ring as all noise is sucked from the room.

He looks at me, and I look at him back.

He finally gets what I am trying to tell him. "It is not…?"

"Yes," I reply. "I took the test, and I'm pregnant."

"I want to see it," demands Logan.

"You don't believe me!" I spit. "I don't have it! I tossed it in the trash when I was done. What do you expect? That I'm going to carry a pee-stained tube around with me as some token of joy?"

"Do you know how many women have claimed I got them pregnant to try and get money out of me? Okay, that is a bad example—there was only one, but what do you want me to say here? You have no prospects or money, and we slept together once."

"Fivetimes!" I hold up my hand to illustrate the point. "I'll take another one in front of you if you want, Logan. I'm not bullshitting you, and I don't care about your money. I thought you should know, that's all."

"You tell me now!"

"You do understand thatI'mthe one who is pregnant?I'mthe one who has to deal with all of this! I took the test because I was feeling nauseous this morning for the third morning in a row, and my period is over a week late. I don't have pregnancy tests lying around at home because I'm notthatsort of girl, though you probably don't believe that. I bought one on the way here, so where was I supposed to do it? And when? This is not something I'm happy about either. I'm not asking for anything, Logan. I only wanted you to know. Maybe I'll shack up with Charlie Morton, and we can raise it together. Maybe she will write a book about it."

"That is not funny, Teal."

"I'm not laughing."

Logan paces the room, walking from one wall to the other. "I do not want a family," he mutters.

"You do know I can hear you!"

Logan stops pacing and turns to me—he is as white as a sheet and looks more nauseous than I do. "I cannot deal with this right now. You cannot thrust this on me and expect me to be okay with it."

"I don't," I admit. "I'm still trying to make sense of it myself."

"I need to go," he says.

Logan leaves without any more words of comfort. I sit down under the window and bury my head in my hands. Soon, I will be a single mother with no job. Can my life get any worse?


Iknock on the apartment door and wait for the barrage of abuse that is about to be hurled my way. I am an asshole, and I deserve it.

Teal opens the door, and her smile becomes a scowl when she sees me. "What are you doing here?"

I thought about bringing flowers as a peace offering, but I am glad I did not—it would feel too romantic, and this is not a romantic meeting. "I wanted to apologize to you."

"Well, come on in because you have a lot to apologize for."

Teal turns and walks back into her apartment but does not slam the door in my face, so I consider that a win so far. I follow her inside, waiting for her to unleash on me.

I take a look around the small apartment — a basket of unfolded laundry is on the couch, the dishes beside the sink are starting to pile up, and there is a general messiness throughout the living area and kitchen. I have to stop myself from questioning when the maid or cleaner will come around. Not everyone is as fortunate as I am.

"I know what you are thinking," she says, her back still to me. "I have a system, and I like things a certain way, so don't mention how messy it is in here. I know it is messy, so you don't have to remind me." She finally turns to me. "You know, I promised myself that I would accept what the world throws at me and go with the flow, and I have been happy these past few days, but your energy is ruining that."

"I…." I am lost for words and do not like that I am.

"Look, I have made my peace with being pregnant. If you like, I can show you the second pregnancy test, but I have nothing to prove. I believe it was meant to be, even if the way it happened was not what I would have planned. However, I am happy about it. I am happy about my life, and you don't get to come in here and take that from me."

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