Page 74 of Wrath

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“Bastard,” I cry.

“Hang on tight,” he warns, before moving a hand behind me to rock the plug.

“You’re the devil,” I mutter.

“I’m going to fuck your ass with this plug, Angel. You’re going to come so hard around me. He slips his tongue into my mouth, and pulls out the plug then pushes it back in, again, and again, and again while I bounce on his cock, chasing my orgasm.

As my body tightens and spools, he rubs my clit until there’s no going back. His fingers are relentless, even as I tremble.

“Oh, Angel. You’re so beautiful when you’re wild. Untamed. So fucking sexy when you take what you need.”

He doesn’t let me ride out the orgasm for too long, before he takes firm hold of my hips and moves me like a ragdoll, until his body jerks and he finds his own release.

Rafael wraps his arms around me, holding me against his chest while we catch our breath. Eventually, he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine.

“Don’t ever leave me.” His voice is raw and his chest flayed wide open. It’s a prayer straight from the soul of a man who shuns prayer and every notion of a merciful God. My heart clenches.

“Never.” My voice is soft, but resolute. “You’re mine as much as I’m yours. It’s written in the stars.”

I speak from the heart and my words are sincere—every one of them. It’s as much assurance as I can give him. But I’m not sure it’s enough to satisfy either of us.

We both know that in our world, tomorrow is promised to no one. Fate be damned.



When Lexie and I board the plane to the US, Valentina and that pussy husband are already there. While I own a smaller plane, this jet, which is more appropriate for transatlantic travel, belongs to Premier—which means it belongs to both Valentina and me.

The first thing Lexie did when she woke up this morning was text Valentina to see if Marco was coming, so it’s not exactly a surprise that he’s here. But I am surprised the fucker would have the balls to travel with me.

I suppose the other option, traveling on the Huntsman plane with Antonio, was even less palatable. Although if I were him, I’d be more concerned about Daniela wringing his scrawny neck. She had some choice words for Marco last night, and she didn’t once stop Antonio when he went off about him.

“Why don’t we sit up here?” Lexie says, waving at Valentina.

When I’m not in the conference room, I prefer the back of the plane, especially when others are onboard. But I don’t think I can be that close to Marco in his stupid artsy shirt for six hours without knifing him. Lexie knows it, too, because I’m sure she’d be happier sitting with Valentina.

“I need to have a word with Zé and Tamar.” I touch her hip and brush my lips against her ear. “I’ll be back before we take off.”

“Sure you will,” she quips. “Do you think Tamar needs help with anything?”

“This trip is all pleasure for you,” I whisper into her hair before I go. “All pleasure.”

She flashes me a smile filled with passion, and warmth, and trust, and so many other things that I might not deserve, but that I crave from her. It feeds my soul.

“Bring Ms. Clarke a pot of Earl Grey, with cream and sugar,” I tell the flight attendant on my way through the cabin.

I turned off Lexie’s alarm before dawn, when I woke up, so she could sleep in a bit this morning. It was late by the time we passed out last night. We were at it longer than wise, considering we had a morning flight.

“Give me an update,” I demand when I enter the conference room where Tamar and Zé have taken up shop.

“I spoke with our people on the ground in Boston and in New York,” Zé begins. “No issues whatsoever. The hotel in Boston is secure, as are the venues. We’re in good shape.”

The trip is Boston, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. It’s ambitious, but we wanted to launch on both coasts, and in the middle of the country. In six weeks, we’ll travel to Charleston, Dallas, Austin, and Seattle. Boston is where our US headquarters is located, and that’s why we chose to do the first and largest events there.

We took over an entire hotel overlooking the Boston Common to accommodate our large entourage and invited guests. After the first leg, the group gets smaller. Antonio, Daniela, and the kids are joining us in Boston, then flying to Disney World before returning to Porto. Maybe they can take Marco with them since he’s such a fucking baby.

“Nothing that bothers either of you?”
