Page 75 of Wrath

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“So far nothing,” Tamar replies.

“Nothing more than usual,” Zé mutters.

“We need to keep our eyes on the East Coast, but we shouldn’t lose sight of Chicago or LA either.”

“I don’t plan on losing sight of anything,” Zé replies.

He’s been in charge of the security for all of us and for the events—with some help from Lucas and Cristiano, who have staged operations in the US in the past. Managing security for something of this magnitude is a huge fucking deal, but there’s no one I trust more than Zé to protect the people I care about.

I glance at Tamar. “Anything new on the traffickers?”

She cocks her head. “Nothing. Is there some reason you’re asking?”

Yeah. The safety of the blonde who owns my dark heart. “Just checking.”

“I put all research on hold while we’re traveling. But the more information we have, the more it looks like they might really be finished.”

“I agree.” So do Will and Antonio. “But let’s not get too complacent. If we’re wrong, Lexie is still a target.”

“If we’re wrong, you could be a target too,” Zé adds with a pointed look. “Don’t worry. Security’s not complacent. Everyone understands that we might not be out of the woods. They hear it every day.”

I’m certain Zé never forgets that we need to stay alert. I’m also certain that his people have had it drilled into their heads.

What worries me is that even elite security, seasoned guards and soldiers, can stay on high alert only for limited periods of time. The amount of security we need to make a trip like this, and to keep everything at home well-guarded, is staggering. We’re spread a little thin, and that doesn’t leave enough time for meaningful breaks or days off. My people are good, but they’re not robots. This is especially true of Zé and Tamar, who have been working nonstop.

“When we get back, I want you both to take some time off. Go to Israel, the South of France, Antarctica—anywhere that catches your fancy. I don’t care where. Just get out of the country and recharge your batteries. Take my plane. Vacation’s on me. Consider it a well-earned bonus.”

They both nod, and Tamar even smiles, but I’m sure I’ll need to order Zé to leave the fucking country before he’s willing to take a vacation.

“If that’s it, I’ll get out of your hair. Let me know if anything comes up.”

I grab a couple of waters from the flight attendant on my way to the cabin. Hopefully Lexie’s not too hopped up on caffeine from the tea. Maybe I can persuade her to go back to the bedroom and take a nap with me. We’ll need a nap after I initiate her into the mile-high club.

When I enter the main cabin with my dick primed just from thinking about my naked angel, Valentina is sitting up front with Lexie. I glance toward the back of the plane, but Marco’s not there. With any luck, someone shoved him out the rear door without a parachute.

Valentina starts to get up as I approach. “Sit,” I tell her. “I need to stretch my legs.”

“Everything okay?” Lexie asks.

I nod and turn to Valentina, who looks well rested. “I just checked in with Zé and Tamar. Everything is good on our end. Are you excited?”

Her face lights up. “Totally. Last night, I spoke with Julia, who’s in charge of coordinating the large event, after she reconfirmed with all the vendors. Everything’s on track. The planner coordinating the smaller events gave me a thumbs-up too. I also spoke with our communications people to go over everything again. The appropriate media will be at each event, and press releases will go out accordingly. It will be all over social media starting tomorrow morning.”

“It’s going to be perfect,” I tell her. “You’ve done amazing work. I’m so proud of you.”

She blushes. “You’ve done a lot of the heavy lifting.”

“Team effort by my people.” Lexie beams. “I’m so proud of both of you. It’s going to be epic.”

“Where’s Marco?” I ask, admiring the swell of Lexie’s breasts, that I want to cradle in my hands while sinking my teeth into that tendon where her shoulder meets her neck. It never fails to get a response from her that makes my balls tight.

“He has a headache,” Valentina replies. “He’s lying down.”

A headache? I’m going to murder that son of a bitch.

The plane has two bedrooms. One is being used to store luggage, electronics, and other sensitive materials that we didn’t want to carry in the belly of the plane. It’s not available for the nap, or the pretending-to-take-a-nap I had planned for Lexie and me. I should probably just be grateful he’s not back there with Valentina. I don’t care if they’re married. It turns my stomach.

“You ladies hang out. I’m going back to the conference room and get in a little work.” If I can’t be alone with my woman, Zé’s not going to be alone with his.
