Page 73 of Wrath

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“I’m tempted to make you wait until you’re in my bed. But I’m too selfish and impatient, and you’re too damn tempting.”

I rock into his cock and pull back quickly.

“Such a tease,” he tuts, tugging my hair and reaching for a lever overhead. The rear moonroof opens, and a million stars shine on us, along with a cool breeze.

I bury my face in his neck and breathe in the warm sandalwood of his cologne. “Will they hear us?”

“They don’t have their windows open. But it doesn’t matter because soon you won’t care who hears.”

I might already be there.

Rafael reaches for his jacket and takes a velvet pouch and a packet of lube from the pocket. He removes a jeweled butt plug, that matches my dress, from the pouch.

“I was going to have you wear it during the party to remind you that I own you, and that all your pleasure is mine.

I moan, wiggling into his cock. “Why didn’t you?”

“I didn’t want to spoil your dress or to stress you. It wasn’t the right time or place for that kind of play.”

I love this man, with all his contradictions.

“But you’ll wear it now,” he demands, opening the lube and spreading it on my back passage, before coating the plug.

While we’ve only tried anal sex a couple of times, we’ve used plugs many times—although not usually while we fuck—we save the beads for that kind of play.

“This is the perfect size. It’ll make you even tighter than you already are, Angel. The plug is going to feel so good while you ride my cock. Would you like that?”

“Yes.” My voice is a whisper, lost to the wind.

“Hold onto my arms and stick out that gorgeous ass, so I can slide it in.”

I follow his directions blindly—I’ve been aroused for so long, I’m in a dream-like state.

“Push out while I push in,” he reminds me, “so it’ll slide in nice and easy.”

His voice is hypnotic, and I do as he asks without a single thought.

“Such a good girl.” Rafael pulls out the plug and slides it back in, fucking me with it while he strokes my clit.

“Oh. Oh, my God,” I pant, overwhelmed by the dueling sensations.

He kisses me—and helps me upright. The plug feels enormous while he tongues my nipples.

“Hump my cock, Angel. Let me see how aroused you are.” I grind my pelvis into him, clenching my buttocks.

“Such a filthy little slut,” he murmurs sweetly, and I feel the gush of arousal. I love being his filthy little slut and pretty little whore as much as being his good girl. Maybe more.

He hoists up my hips. “Hold my cock steady.” His voice is a rasp.

I circle the taut base with my fingers, as he impales me on the thick shaft. My fingers uncurl, as I sink deeper, taking every gorgeous inch. He’s mine.

When I bottom-out, we groan in unison. It’s low and guttural.

He’s deep. I’m so full. So full. I need to come—even if it hurts.

I draw small circles with my hips and sway them side-to-side. Rafael guides my movements with a gentle touch.

Slipping his hand between us, he teases my clit until I’m ready to topple. When I’m right there, he edges his fingers back so that I have to take him deeper, and buck harder and faster to reach them.
