Page 72 of Wrath

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The man is arrogance personified. But it’s not a lie—he is talented—in every regard. “You’re so cocky.”

“Enough talking. Hand over your panties.” He holds out an open palm, his fingers twitching impatiently.

Happy to oblige.

I open my purse and pull out the purple lace thong I removed just before we left the party, and hold his gaze while I drop it into his hand.

His lips quirk. “Oh Angel. Were you hoping I’d fuck you on the way home?” He brings the thong to his nose and inhales. “Is your pussy wet and swollen—aching for me to make it feel better?”

He’s an insolent bastard and I’m beyond aroused. The threats he made in the turret have had me aching for him all night.

I’ll hold back now. But I won’t hold anything back later. Not a thing. Every inch of you will be mine. Every hole. I want you to think about that all night. Every time you catch my eye from across the room, I want you to remember how hard my cock is under this jacket and how much you’re going to whimper and plead when we get home.

Every time he glanced at me during the party, all I could think about was his cock and how much I wanted it.

He presses his lips to my throat, nipping at the flesh, before placing a small kiss on the bruised skin.

“How could I not be aroused? All evening you gave me these smoldering looks like you wanted to devour me.”

“I did,” he murmurs. “Still do.”

“I’m yours,” I whisper, resting a hand on his pounding heart. “Take me.”

“Be careful what you ask for, Angel.” He nips my bottom lip before pulling back. “If you expect to wear that dress out of this car tonight, you better keep it out of my way.”

I narrow my gaze and gather the billowy silk fabric above my hips. He steadies me while I straddle his lap, one knee on either side of his thighs. When I’m astride, Rafa grasps my hips and lowers me, until my bare pussy is kissing his trousers.

“Are you going to leave a wet, sticky stain on my pants?”

I suppose I should feel embarrassed and the tiniest part of me does. But Rafael’s taught me that there’s no shame in pleasure. No shame in taking or giving. No shame in my body or his.

I nod, unbuttoning his shirt to press kisses to his chest.

There’s a sharp intake of air when my mouth connects with his warm skin. His fingers dig deeply into my hips, and I revel in the heady feeling of power, fleeting as it will surely be.

Without a word, as though it’s his God-given right, Rafael reaches behind my neck and unties the top of my dress, letting the bodice fall to my waist. “So beautiful,” he coos, his fingertips grazing the tops of my breasts. “So smooth and creamy. Luscious.”

My pussy clenches at the awe in his buttery timber.

Sweeping back my hair, he tugs at the locks until my head tips, leaving a large swathe of neck exposed. With a dark smile ghosting his lips, he skates his mouth over the flesh. It’s a gentle caress that lulls me into a blissful trance, until he clamps down, marking me with his lips and teeth.

“Every inch of you is a treat, but nothing is as delicious as your sweet cunt. Not even your flawless skin.”

It’s hot in here. So hot.

Clutching his open shirt, I wiggle against his erection, but his trousers are in the way of my prize. I want his cock. I need it.

Half-crazed, I reach for his zipper. “Do it,” he urges, not that I need encouragement.

His cock springs free, impossibly long and heavy, red and swollen, impatient, like it’s been waiting too long for some love.

As soon as it’s out, he takes it in hand—which always drives me wild, and he nestles it between my freshly waxed labia. “Slide your cunt all over my cock. Make me wet and slippery with your juices, Angel.” He presses his shoulders into the seat adjusting his hips so I can move freely.

I rise to my knees, clinging to his muscled arms for leverage, and slide up and down his thick shaft. My movements are primal and exact, and although my legs are quivering, it’s not enough. “Rafa,” I whine, sinking back into my heels.

“Are you ready for me?”

Long past ready.
