Page 71 of Wrath

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When I run my fingertips down her arms, she shivers, and my cock pushes against my zipper. “You look like a princess—beautiful and sexy, and I want to stay up here and do dirty things to you all night.”

“But then we’d miss your big moment.”

“It’s a trade-off I’d be willing to make, Angel.”

She averts my gaze, brushing her hands across my chest. “You’re so damn hot in a tux. If we were anywhere else, I’d let you do whatever dirty things you wanted. But not here,” she adds softly.

I rest my palms on her breasts, acutely aware of the thin fabric shielding them from me. Using my thumbs, I draw tight circles around her nipples until they pucker.

I’ve fucked lots of women before, and during parties like this. Sometimes accidents happened and dresses got snagged or stained, and hair and makeup ruined. As long as there weren’t tears accompanying the spoils, it never bothered me. But tonight, the small packet of lube and the butt plug in my pocket are weighing heavily on my conscience.

Not here. Not with her. She deserves more. My better angels are brawling with the devil, but my cock continues to thicken, because it knows how this ends. How it always ends.

Lexie’s pupils are dilated, and she has the flush of arousal. It wouldn’t take much to persuade her to take off her clothes, but she’s right. Anyone could walk in on us. As long as it wasn’t a child, I wouldn’t care. But she would—especially if it was Antonio.

She deserves something better. Take care of her. Above all else, take care of her.

I hold her hand against my hard cock. “I want you. But cum does not go well with purple silk, so I’m going to wait until I have you in my bed tonight, Angel, alone. I’ll hold back now. But I won’t hold back anything later. Not a thing. Every inch of you will be mine. Every hole.”

She takes a ragged breath that I feel in my balls.

“I want you to think about that all night. Every time you catch my eye from across the room, I want you to remember how hard my cock is under this jacket and how much you’re going to whimper and plead when I get you alone.”

She licks her lips, and the unfettered lust in her eyes is making me second-guess my decision.

“I’m yours later,” she whispers. “Every inch.”

Five small words, alive with the promise of submission. My self-control is shattering.

Take care of her. It’s your most important job.

“Let’s go downstairs before I change my mind about waiting.”



We’re the last ones to leave, and by the time we say goodbye to Daniela and Antonio, Rafael’s jacket is off, his tie loose, and I don’t know what happened to his cuff links, but his shirtsleeves are rolled to the elbow. He’s gorgeous—my dirtiest fantasy come-to-life, and I crave the prickle of his stubble on my inner thighs.

Rafael leads me outside through a door that’s used mainly by the family, and into the back of a waiting car. He mutters something to a displeased Zé, and a moment later, Giana slides into the passenger seat beside the driver.

I suspect Zé’s pinched expression has something to do with my guard being in the car instead of him. He’s not happy, but his boss doesn’t appear to be having any of it.

When I grow tired of trying to decipher what Rafa and Zé are discussing on the curb, I slip off my sandals that are nowhere near as comfortable as I’d hoped, and wiggle my aching toes.

“Take the scenic route to the lodge,” Rafael instructs the driver when he gets in the car. “Stay along the river,” he adds before raising the partition between the seats and turning all his attention to me.

Along the river—the long way back. He wants to play. Me too.

Rafael turns on some jazz, then cups my face, brushing his lips over mine. “We’re finally alone.”

“Not exactly.” My voice is low and husky like I’ve been up all night smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey.

“Close enough,” he quips. “They can’t see anything and unless you scream, they won’t hear anything either.” He palms my breasts and crushes his lips to mine in a sensuous assault that leaves me gasping.

“Is that why you replaced Zé with Giana?” I ask when we come up for air.

“Even I’m not talented enough to make you come while Zé’s in the front seat.” He smirks.
