Page 70 of Wrath

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Lexie: Less is more.

Rafael: My phone’s on.

“Well, my date’s meeting me there,” I say with a smile that I’m not really feeling. “It looks like you’re stuck with me.”

“Lexie,” she scolds, a hand on her hip, “you shouldn’t have changed your plans.”

“Shush.” I grab the bottle of champagne from the ice bucket and dry off the condensation. “Can you bring the glasses, or are you going to stand there with your hand on your hip all night like an affronted maiden?”



I linger near the bar with my second bourbon of the young evening. Valentina worked her ass off to make this happen. She poured her heart and soul into every detail, not just with the launch, but with the product development too. It’s her dream as much as it is mine, and I’d like to beat that piece-of-shit husband of hers for stomping all over it.

While I didn’t hear the door, the little girls are squealing in the foyer, which means the big girls have arrived. I toss back my drink and follow the squeals that will lead me to an angel. My Angel.

I stop at the edge of the foyer to admire the stunning blonde in a plum halter dress that skims every luscious curve before it grazes the floor. She takes my breath away.

When Lexie notices me admiring her, she gifts me a smile that sparkles brighter than the amethysts dangling from her ears.

We don’t take our eyes off each other as I cross the room. When I bend to kiss her cheek, the amber in her perfume wafts softly from her skin, beckoning me closer. “You might not have come with me,” I murmur, “but you will be leaving with me.”

“I’m counting on it,” she replies, only for my ears.

I force myself from her to say a quick hello to Valentina, who can barely get a word in, before she’s whisked away by her sisters to make a French braid or some other nonsense.

Before the girls decide they need Lexie, too, I take her hand and make a beeline for the stairs. “Let’s go find somewhere quiet so I can see if you took my suggestion about panties.”

“We shouldn’t leave Valentina alone until the guests start to arrive. The whole point of me coming with her was so Daniela and Antonio wouldn’t ambush her.”

“There won’t be an ambush. No one’s going to say a word about Marco. I talked to both her parents. I even made Antonio practice what he was going to say when she arrived.”

Lexie bursts out laughing. “Practice? I wish I could have been there.”

“I don’t want to know where you’re going, or what you’re planning on doing,” Daniela calls to us from the bottom of the stairs, “but remember there are children in this house, Rafael. And there are pictures in twenty minutes.”

“Don’t worry. With the kids in the house, I’d never dream of doing anything that you wouldn’t do.”

“Lexie, you look gorgeous. Slap him for me, please.”

“Thank you. You look gorgeous too. Red is definitely your color.”

Lexie’s still talking as I drag her up the stairs.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To the turrets.”

“Rafael,” she whispers. “We really shouldn’t.”

“Oh, Angel. We really should.”

We climb to the top of the turret where Antonio now keeps his racing simulator. It’s the one I used as a secret fort when I first came to live here.

“I’m not convinced Marco is coming to the US,” she says when we’re alone.

I kiss her until the only thing I can think about is her coming around my cock, those sultry sounds she makes filling my old fort. “We don’t have long. I don’t want to waste time talking about that fucker.”
