Page 69 of Wrath

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Once we’re dressed, I put a little more gloss on my lips and collect my things. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with Rafael and me?”

“No.” She waves me off. “I would just be a third wheel.”


Her parents’ house isn’t just around the corner, and I hate for her to make the trip alone.

“I can sit between the two of you if that makes you feel any better. You know, like when you sat between me and that biatch Melissa Blair at the Christmas concert so I wouldn’t slap the shit out of her.”

“Oh my God. I forgot about that. What did she do to piss you off? I can’t remember.”

“She said that we shouldn’t use the proceeds from the concert to buy presents for poor kids because they should get used to their station in life early.”

Valentina groans. “She was a bitch.”

“I’m sure she still is. But you did save her fake nose that I wanted to break—and me, from getting kicked out of school. It’s my turn to repay the favor.”

“I can’t, Lexie.” She sniffs, picking up that damn cleaning spray again. “It’s bad enough I’m going to the party. If I show up with Rafael, it’s over.”

I stop dead in my tracks, peering at her.

Her eyes are like saucers. It’s bad enough I’m going to the party. She didn’t mean to let that slip. “Marco didn’t want you to go to the party?”

She lifts her chin. “Where did you get that idea?”

From you, sweetheart. “Isn’t that what you just said?”

“No,” she replies, waving me off again.

She can’t even look at me. Marco is officially on my shit list.

“What time are you getting there?”

“Rafael wants to leave at five fifteen. Your mother said she wants pictures before the guests arrive. What time are you planning on getting there?”

“On the late side. Otherwise, my parents won’t stop with the questions, and there’s no way either of them will abide by the three-minute rule. But they won’t ask in front of guests.”

She has way more faith in Antonio’s social graces than I do. He’ll ask whatever he feels like asking. That’s the truth.

I pull out my phone and text Rafael while she pretends to look through her mail so she doesn’t need to deal with any more questions about her husband.

Lexie: How about if I meet you at the party?

Rafael: Why?

Lexie: Valentina and I are still dressing, and then we’ll go over together. Girl time.

But I delete the message before I press Send. I promised to be honest with him.

Lexie: Marco isn’t coming.

Rafael: Fucker. Is she okay?

Lexie: She’s holding up. I’m concerned if her parents push too hard, she’ll fall apart. I don’t want her to be alone when she walks in the house.

Rafael: What can I do?
