Page 63 of Wrath

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And I do. I have no choice. My body can’t tighten any more than it already has, and I can’t hold back any longer.

“Now, Angel,” he pants. “Now.”

Writhing on the hood, I come spectacularly. My body convulses as he rips the orgasm from my body along with an earth-shattering scream.

But Rafael’s not done. He fucks me savagely as I tumble farther and farther into the abyss.

A single scream echoes in the breeze while my body contracts and unspools, splintering, as he finds his release inside me.



I stand by the bed and watch her sleep, the wrinkled white linen tucked around her naked form. She’s always so peaceful in sleep. The energy that normally buzzes around her is dormant, as though recharging.

Last night I learned something new. Fools don’t have to suffer alone. Antonio was right. Sharing what’s inside, with the right person, makes you stronger, not weaker.

I also learned that while Lexie is soft, pliable, and loving, she’s also tough and strong, and fearless—and so many other things.

Sure, we’re all a bundle of personality traits, some harmonious, others seemingly incompatible. But what makes Lexie different from the average person are the extremes to which she embraces all aspects of her personality. Not favoring one over the other—not choosing to show the world more of one than the other—that’s what most of us do. We pick and choose who sees what. Yes, she sometimes does it, too, using sarcasm and bravado to hide her hurts, but that’s different from hiding her personality.

I’ve been trying to understand her by shoving her in a box. But she’s much too complex, too untamed for that. It’s what made her seem so confounding—so much of a contradiction. But she’s not. She’s simply who she is.

“Hey,” I say softly, lowering myself to the mattress and brushing the hair back off her face. “I brought you some tea, but you really don’t need to get up. Nothing requires you to be in the office on a Saturday morning.”

She rubs the sleep from her eyes and sits up to take the tea. “Thank you.” She wraps her hands around the warm mug and inhales. “There’s so much happening between now and the launch, and I’d like to finish my project before I leave for the US.”

I used her hard last night and kept her up half the night. Most women—most people—of her stature would sleep in, and worry less about work. She certainly doesn’t need the paycheck.

Lexie peeks up at me through thick lashes. “Thank you for last night.”

“I’m happy to own your pussy, anytime, anywhere.”

“Not that.”

“Really? I thought that was the highlight of the evening.”

“The capstone.” She gives me a bashful smile. “Thank you for knowing how much I needed to get out of here, and for making it happen.”

It’s not what I expected her to say. I thought she would talk about how I shared a part of myself last night that makes me feel weak in the light of day—or would certainly weaken me in the eyes of others. But I should have known. Lexie understands the importance of strength in our world, and she has no interest in weakening me.

“I’d do anything for you, Angel. I can’t believe you haven’t figured that out yet.”

“I’m starting to believe it,” she says with a tender smile that I feel in my chest.

“Speaking of getting out of here. I want you to be my date for the gala, and the US launch. I know Valentina invited you to both, but I’d like you to be by my side. As crazy as you make me, nothing relaxes me more than when you’re close by.”

“Not even the ocean?”

“Not even the ocean.” Nothing.

I squeeze her leg, wanting nothing more than to yank back the covers and lose myself in her, but I’ve got plans with a little boy who would be crushed if I canceled.

She sits up taller against the headboard and flashes me a beautiful smile. “I’d love to be your date—for all of it.”

I didn’t expect her to turn me down, but the excitement in her voice is a bonus. “I’ll send you the itinerary. Valentina can fill you in on the particulars, if she hasn’t already. Buy whatever you need.”

“I already have a dress for the gala, but I was planning to pick up a few new things for the trip.”
