Page 62 of Wrath

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Don’t worry. I’ll protect us both.

“You might break my heart, but you won’t hurt me—not like you’re suggesting. But if you need to hear it, fine. I’m plenty strong enough to stand up to you, Rafael Huntsman. I will not be your punching bag. Don’t you worry. I will never allow you to destroy me.”

Rafael tips his head to the side while stark emotion fills the space between us. He cradles my face in his hands. “I don’t deserve you.”

I lift my chin. “I decide what I deserve.” I place both hands on his chest. His heart is pounding when I find his mouth in a kiss filled with promise. A kiss that whispers I won’t let you down. A kiss that conveys everything my heart wants to say. Because this is how we communicate best.

I place my fingertips on his stomach, pressing into the unrelenting muscle. “I believe you promised to fuck me until I screamed.” A small, impertinent smile tugs on my lips. “Time to put up or shut up.”

He growls, and I feel the earth shift and the burden lift from his shoulders as he nips at my ear.

“It’s dangerous to summon the demons, Angel.”

“Angels and demons are nothing more than two sides of a single coin. One cannot exist without the other.” With both hands, I pull his face within inches of mine. “Are you waiting for me to beg?”

“You will beg,” he assures me in a tone that makes my toes curl. “But it’s too early for that.”

On the hood of a Bugatti, surrounded by ocean mist and fog, Rafael Huntsman eases me onto my back and buries his face in my cunt.

His touch is no longer tentative. It’s skillful, and knowing, and insistent, bringing me all the pleasure I can handle.

He licks me with long, firm strokes, teasing, until I’m squirming, my ass polishing his obscenely expensive car with my arousal.

When he lifts his mouth before I come, I gasp in horror. “No.”

“Oh, I’m not done. Those sweet little moans are the kind that make my cock so happy it weeps. But you haven’t screamed for me yet, Angel.”

He undoes his pants and drags me closer to the edge of the hood. With my legs braced on his chest, he buries himself balls-deep in one long thrust, using his fingers to caress my swollen clit. I whimper, and he stills inside me before rocking his hips in a slow, torturous tease.

“We’re going to wind you up nice and tight, Angel.”

The fog clears, letting the moon bathe his face in soft light. He’s beautiful. So beautiful.

His hips move rhythmically, a controlled roll made to prolong our pleasure. “It feels so good,” I cry, arching off the cool steel.

“So good, Angel. So fucking good.”

He lists forward, tilting my pelvis and plunging deeper as he sucks a nipple into his mouth. When he finally lifts his head, the cool breeze coaxes the bead tighter.

“I’m so close,” I beg. “Please.”

“Not yet, baby. You’re not ready.”

His thumb flicks across my clit. “Ahhh!”

“Before you come for me, every muscle in your body is going to be coiled so tight, you’ll be afraid to let go, because when you do, it’s going to rip you apart.” My walls tighten around his cock, and he curses. “But you’ll be brave,” he says through clenched teeth, “and you’ll let go for me, when it’s time, won’t you?”

His breathing is ragged, and he struggles to stay in control. Even half out of my mind, I revel in the power I have over him, until I’m bucking wildly.

“That’s it. Come closer to the edge. I’ve got you, Angel.”

I thrash like a feral creature, but I can’t stop myself. It’s as though a force has taken over my body.

“You’re so beautiful when you’re wild.” His voice is pure gravel. Sin in all its glory. “Suck on my fingers. That’s it, taste yourself on my skin.”

I’m overstimulated. The delicious sensations lick at my flesh, as I teeter between heaven and hell. I bounce on the car as every muscle contracts.

“Let go, Angel. Be brave.” He rubs my clit and his hips buck—all without a shred of mercy. “It’s time. Give me your screams.”
