Page 61 of Wrath

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“How long do you want it closed?”

He presses his fingers harder. Faster. I throw my head back and arch off the seat.

“As long as it takes.”

He disconnects the call abruptly and turns to me, cradling my cheek in his large hand. “Do you know why I need an entire mile?”

I shake my head. An entire mile? No. Although I know exactly why he doesn’t want gawkers driving by.

“Because I’m going to fuck you until you scream, Angel. No one gets to hear your pleasure. It’s all mine.”

He gets out of the car and comes around to my side, opening the door, then extending his hand to help me out.

I had anticipated car sex, and I was all in, and sex on the beach would be great, too, but it’s impossible to scale those rocks in the dark. “Where are you taking me?”

“I already told you what I was going to do. But I know how much you love to hear the filth. How wet it makes you. Do you want to hear me say it again?” He kisses me, long and rough, until my knees buckle.

When he drags me toward the front of the car, my eyes dart over the area.

“You’re safe here,” he whispers. “No one can hurt you besides me.”

No one can hurt you besides me. I feel the pulse of the words between my legs. A veiled threat meant to make my heart beat faster, and the arousal curl tighter. Predator and prey—that’s his game tonight.

There’s something in his eyes as he lifts me onto the hood of the car, nudging my knees apart until I feel the cool air caress the wet flesh between my legs. Something feral. Something I should be afraid of—but I’m not.

His hot mouth skates over every inch of exposed skin while his hands roam my body, freely, as though it’s his privilege. He’s going to push my boundaries. I feel it in the intensity radiating from him. Predator and prey. But I’m on fire, and right now, I don’t give a damn.

I cling to him and lift my legs to wrap around his hips. But a sharp pain in my calf stops me and I cry out, pushing him away.

“Did I hurt you?” His voice is raspy, and I hear the concern.

I shake my head. “My leg. It’s a cramp,” I reply, kneading the tight muscle.

He’s perfectly still. Almost as though he’s paralyzed.

“You didn’t hurt me. I moved my leg—and it must have been the position I was in.”

My assurance seems to spark some life into him, and he takes my calf in his hand and massages the muscle with tentative fingers that feel foreign. There’s nothing about Rafael that’s tentative—certainly not the way he touches me.

“What’s wrong?” I take his hands. He doesn’t respond, but I wait quietly because there’s a storm brewing inside him—I feel the vibrations and see the turmoil in his face. It calls to some instinct deep inside me that desperately wants to be his safe harbor.

While I wait for him to finish with my leg, that’s fully recovered, and say something—anything—the fog rolls in, shrouding the moon in puffs of lacy smoke. There’s an eeriness about it that suits the moment.

Rafael turns his attention from my leg to my face. It’s an abrupt switch, with verve, but without the gracefulness with which he normally moves.

“Promise me, Angel,” he says, his fingertips caressing my face ever so lightly. “No bullshit. Promise me that you will not let me hurt you. That you won’t put up with a single second of it. That you won’t let me slide, inch by inch, until I’ve destroyed you. No free passes. Not a single one.”

His voice is low, twisted with desperation and regret, but there’s a roughness about it too. Everything about this moment is more somber, more serious than it was yesterday when he told me, ordered me, not to put up with any bullshit from him—but it’s all related. This is coming from somewhere inside him that I’m not sure I can reach. He’s asking for something that’s beyond the words—but I’m not sure what it is, and I don’t know how to respond.

I cup his jaw, reaching inside myself for humor, but it doesn’t come. “Please tell me what has you like this.”

“You have me like this.” He shakes his head. “When I heard you cry out in pain, it shook me to the core. I don’t want to hurt you, Angel. Ever.”

“You didn’t.”

“You have to be the guardrail,” he pleads, peering into my eyes. “I need to know that you will never, never, let me hurt you.”

He means physical pain. That’s what he’s talking about. It starts to make sense. These feelings are tied to his family.
