Page 60 of Wrath

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“Take whatever time you need.” His tone is supportive, but the fingers drumming on the table say something different. He’s impatient for an answer.

He’ll have one, but not until I have a heart-to-heart with Tamar.



Dinner is delicious, and the rest of the evening is as spectacular as the moon’s shadow dancing on the ocean. The discussion is light and flirty, filled with innuendo that makes my nipples pucker.

Every time Rafael leans across the table to fondle my hair, or skates a finger down my arm, or when he gazes at me until my skin burns, I want to grab his hand and lead him behind the rocks, where we can be alone.

We pass on coffee and dessert because the kind we’re hungry for is not on the restaurant menu.

When Lena hands Rafael my jacket, he tucks it under his arm. “You won’t need this. I’ll keep you warm.”

Yes, please.

With his hand in the hollow of my back, he leads me outside, and the pulse between my legs kicks up a notch at the feel of his open palm on my skin.

Guards flank us as we make the short walk to the car. He never takes his hand off me, not even when Zé hands him the keys.

When we’re in the car, Rafael leans over the console, cups the back of my head, and kisses me. His tongue slips into my mouth, and no corner is safe from his exploration. The longer the kiss goes on, the more aroused I become—until I’m toying with crawling onto his lap, unzipping his pants, and impaling myself onto his cock, which I know is rock hard. When I brush my hand over it to see if I’m right, a deep rumble escapes from his lips, and I swallow it.

“I need you,” he murmurs, rubbing his thumb along my throat.

The windows are blacked out, and I don’t think anyone can see in, but I’m not quite brave enough to let him fuck me in a parking lot, surrounded by guards—and Zé.

“We should go back to the apartment,” I somehow manage.

He nods and pulls away, and I almost whine at the loss of him.

“I’m staying over tonight,” he announces as we leave the parking lot with a trio of black SUVs. “I want to fuck you until we pass out, and every time I wake up during the night, I want to slide into that needy pussy until you clench around my cock and purr like a satisfied kitten.”

“Such a romantic,” I tease, my inner thighs damp from his filthy words. “You can stop wooing me with hearts and flowers. I already decided that I wasn’t letting you go back to the hotel.”

“Not letting me, huh?” He squeezes my thigh. “You’re becoming quite impertinent, Angel. There might be a spanking in your future.”

My belly tightens at the delicious threat. One that holds no menace—only pleasure. As long as I don’t challenge him in public, he couldn’t care less what I say to him when we’re alone. I think he enjoys my impertinence.

As we turn onto a deserted stretch of coastal road, Rafael slides his hand up my thigh, inching toward my pussy. He draws a ragged breath when he discovers my surprise.

“Too slutty for a first date?”

“Oh, Angel,” he murmurs, gliding his fingers over my slit. “You’re in for it now.”

Without wasting a second, he pulls the car to the side of the road, adjacent to a knee-high ledge of rock, and presses a button on the console before I can ask a single question.

“Problem?” Zé asks, his voice tight.

“Not a single one,” he replies, circling my clit as I struggle not to make a sound. “Close the road between the grotto and the lighthouse.”

“What’s the plan?”

“You’re on speaker,” Rafael cautions.

Zé’s quiet for a moment. “Would you like us to sweep the area?”

“I don’t need anyone to sweep the area. You’re in front of me, so you know there’s no danger—unless you’re worried a fish is going to jump out of the water with a gun. A half-mile stretch in each direction. Not an inch less.”
