Page 59 of Wrath

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I nod. “It’s exactly why I bought Sirena.” But now I have another Siren who calls to me. I don’t spend as much time there as I used to—or even as much as I should. I spent my nights there, because once Antonio told me he wanted to put the succession plan into motion, I had to curtail some of the whoring or at least put a lid on it. I didn’t have much reason to go home—there wasn’t a stunning blonde who challenges me at every turn waiting in my bed.

“The ocean always renews my spirit,” she admits. “But the city has a pulse I thrive on. Some people like to be alone. They crave solitude. That’s not me.”

It’s not me either.

“Do you miss London?” I sit quietly, gauging her reaction, although my mind isn’t quiet. Are you going back now that things have calmed down, or will you stay here with me?

God, I’m a pussy. If Antonio knew the half of it, he’d put a different succession plan in place.

I’m a fool who has let a woman crawl under my skin and set up shop. The worst part is that I have no plan to evict her. I’m not even sure I can.



“I love London, but I love Porto too. I’ve spent so much time here over the years it feels like a second home, and the Huntsmans are essentially family.”

The question was benign—at least I thought so—and my response uncomplicated. Yet he considers my words carefully, weighing each one, as he takes in my demeanor like someone searching for clues.

“I asked about London, because I’d like to offer you a job—or rather, Tamar would like to offer you a job.”

“A job?” I clarify, because surely I misunderstood, and before I start jumping up and down for joy, I better check.

“You’d work for Premier as a member of Tamar’s team. You’d report to her, not to me.”

He wants me to stay. I want to stay, too, but can it be that simple? Nothing between us has ever been simple—at least not since I was nineteen and started fantasizing about him. But working on Tamar’s team would be life-changing. I could learn so much from her. Although it can only work if—

“Is Tamar fully on board or did you twist her arm to give me something to do?”

There’s a tug at the corner of his mouth, and he shakes his head. “If you think Tamar would be willing to babysit, you don’t know her very well. Offering you a job was her idea. She believes you have natural talent and good instincts. Apparently, Lucas does, too, and he thinks everyone’s an idiot, so that’s quite a compliment.”

Lucas is intensely focused. It can be a little scary. When I was young, I was always a little reticent around him, and then after he walked in on Rafael and me in the vineyard, I avoided his gaze as much as possible. If I work for Tamar, our paths will inevitably cross. I’ll see more of Zé too. Ugh. As unpleasant as the prospect is, it can’t be part of the equation. I’m a big girl, and I won’t make life choices out of intimidation.

But there’s a potentially bigger problem that has to be part of the equation. Clarke Enterprises and Huntsman Industries do a lot of business together, but I doubt their interests always dovetail. I’m not getting involved in anything that puts me at odds with my father’s company.

“I won’t do anything that goes against my family’s interests.”

“I would never put you in that position, and neither would Tamar. Family’s family. Besides, when your father isn’t threatening to kill me, we work together.” He raises his brow. “And it’ll happen more often when Antonio retires.”

I wish my father would retire, but he’s not going anywhere soon. Especially now that the heir apparent turned out to be a traitorous weasel.

“Premier is a lawful entity,” Rafael continues, “as is Sirena. Anything unsavory is done under other entities that won’t be part of your portfolio.”

Unsavory. I almost laugh. What he means is that anything illegal, immoral, or punches your ticket to hell falls under a different umbrella.

But it’s true about Premier. I don’t know whether it was always like this, but I do know that since Valentina became Rafael’s partner, Premier has had a squeaky-clean reputation. There’s no way Rafael or Antonio would allow her to get her hands dirty.

“What do you think? You want to work for Premier? It’s a good company, lots of perks, and the CEO is God.” His expression is full of mischief, but he’s pushing me for a response.

I laugh. “He’s not God. He just thinks he is.”

I heard everything he said about the job, and I don’t think he’s lying, but I do think he wants me to stay in Porto—at least for now—and he might have been painting it in the most favorable light. Rafael knows how much I admire Tamar. He thinks I’ll jump at it.

“My first inclination is to say yes,” I reply with a playful smile, “and to thank you for the opportunity in ways that are not fit to discuss in public.”

His eyes sparkle.

“But can I think about it?” Before the last word is out, the sparkle is gone.
