Page 40 of Wrath

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But this isn’t about my personal life. This is about family. I’ve been expecting the lecture about Marco since I arrived.

“Don’t expect me to apologize for what happened with Marco. You know better than anyone that I want Valentina to be happy. But I won’t look the other way when it comes to her safety.”

“I’m not talking about Valentina,” she huffs. “I saw the account statements. There was no choice but to question Marco.”

Wait—what? I’m sure Antonio was forced to show her the evidence so that she didn’t lop off his balls in the middle of the night. But our assumptions were incorrect, and she’s still giving us a pass? That’s interesting.

“You think we were right to question Marco?”

She glares. “Don’t ask me to answer that question.”

Wow. Just wow.

“I’m talking about the way you treated Lexie.”

Christ. She gets ten seconds, and then I’m pulling the plug on this.

“How do you know about what happened between me and Lexie? Did she share my personal business with you?” She was here early, although I highly doubt Lexie bared her soul to Daniela.

“It’s her business too,” she chides, “and she has a right to tell whomever she wants. But she didn’t say anything to me—even when I raised it. From what I understand, you were such a loud bastard that everyone on the floor heard what happened.”

Antonio told her.

“You’re a busy woman, and a smart one. I’m surprised you have the time or the inclination to gossip.”

“I make time when it involves the people I love. And I’m not afraid to tread in the mud, if that’s what it requires.”

I need to pivot, because she’s tenacious and I’m done with this. It’s a no-win situation for me.

“Your offer to Lexie was generous and kind. Having her here is fine, because the property is highly secure, but Lexie can’t go shopping or to a spa—at least not without a lot of preliminary groundwork that I don’t have time for. It’s too dangerous for her to be out and about.”

She sighs, lowering herself to the edge of a rocking chair. “Are they ever going to catch the people who murdered Francesca Russo?”

“I suspect they’re getting closer, although I don’t know the specifics. But I’m certain the prime minister will not rest until he avenges his daughter’s death.” I pause. “I’ll arrange a dress for Lexie.”

She lifts her chin and peers at me before standing. “Not that Lexie can’t afford her own dress, but I want to do it for them. Valentina’s so excited about the launch, and they’re like sisters. I’ve always appreciated their relationship, but never more now that I have three little girls who are close in age. It’s been a tough few weeks, and I want to do something fun for them. But I understand the safety issues. I’ll work around it, even if it means having a rack of dresses brought to the house.”

I nod.

“Besides,” she taunts from the doorway, “buying a woman a dress is a privilege, especially for a man who’s not related to her. He gets to enjoy her in his gift all evening, and imagine the fabric pooling at her feet at the end of the night.”

Daniela could be turning cartwheels in the room. All I see is an image of a naked Lexie in high heels, surrounded by clouds of soft fabric.

“I don’t believe you’ve earned that privilege, Rafael,” she adds, throwing cold water on my little fantasy. “But Lexie’s a grown woman, and that’s up to her. I came to tell you that we’re serving cake soon.”

She leaves without another word.

When Antonio told me he was marrying her, I wondered how a sweet little thing like her would ever survive such a powerful and formidable man. I never wonder about that anymore. I snicker before my mind returns to something she said earlier.

Don’t ask me to answer that question.

I’m still shocked by that little revelation. Either Daniela feels the evidence was too damning for us to ignore, or Marco has lost some of his sheen and she doesn’t trust him.

Join the club.


