Page 41 of Wrath

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When I get back to the apartment, I change into a pair of boy shorts and a cotton cami that I like to sleep in, and plop on the sofa, thinking about the hot guy who sat across from me at dinner. The one who joked with Antonio and Daniela’s kids—completely relaxed like he used to be all the time, before he became powerful and deadly.

Rafael got a call shortly after the kids were in bed. When he got off, he said he needed to make a stop at Sirena—something about the band having underage girls with them. I couldn’t catch the words they exchanged, but when he said goodbye to Antonio, his tone was low and menacing.

Sirena. A beautiful club filled with beautiful women who will be happy to spread their legs for Rafael—and won’t make him wait. I can’t think about that. I have to do what’s right for me.

He’s right for you, a small voice inside whispers. It’s the whisper that comes late at night after a couple glasses of wine, and you don’t want to go to bed alone. It’s the voice of weakness, and she rarely has anything beneficial to say.

It’s the devil tempting you, my eleventh-grade dorm mother would chide when we were caught hanging out with boys after curfew. Apparently, the devil takes on many forms. I don’t know much about it. I was raised in the Church of England, and while we’re still big on condemning sinners, we’ve decided to leave all talk of the devil to the Catholics.

My phone vibrates on my stomach, and as I reach for it, a small part of me hopes it’s my devil tempting me.

Valentina. It’s almost a relief.

I sent her a video earlier of Vivi begging Antonio to let her stay up for a little while longer because it breaks my heart to go to bed before your special day is over.

Valentina: LOL. What a little drama queen. How was dinner?

Lexie: Not the same without you. Missed your gorgeous face.

Valentina: I missed all of you too.

I bet you did.

Lexie: How’s Athens?

Valentina: Fine.

Hardly a ringing endorsement.

Lexie: Just fine?

Valentina: The client who said he was bringing his wife, and insisted I come too, did not bring his wife. Marco ended up going to dinner alone.

I don’t believe there was ever a wife. But I keep my mouth shut, because she’s not an idiot. She knows Marco dragged her to Athens to punish her father.

Lexie: What did you do?

Valentina: I ordered room service, and I’m watching a movie.

Lexie: I’m sorry.

Valentina: He’s taking me to Rhodes on our way home to make up for it.

Really? You’re going to let him buy you off that easily? I’m not going to pile on.

Lexie: Ohhhh. That sounds like a VERY nice way to apologize.

She texts me a smiley face.

Rhodes is a gorgeous Greek island, although I doubt it’s enough to make up for missing her dad’s birthday. It wouldn’t surprise me if her—

A loud rap on the door startles me. Giana is on tonight, and she always checks with me before the guards order food. They always order food, and I usually get something too. But I’m still full from dinner.

I text Valentina as I go to the door.

Lexie: Giana’s here about my bedtime snack. Love you!

“Yes?” I won’t open the door until I know it’s her. Protocol and all that.
