Page 39 of Wrath

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“Lexie,” Daniela says from the far end of the table. “I asked Valentina to tell you that the dresses for the gala are my treat, and a spa day, too, if you girls can squeeze in the time.”

The launch will begin with a formal gala, complete with gowns and tuxes, and dancing. With the way our relationship is… Will Rafael bring a date? That would be almost too much to bear, even for the woman who keeps telling herself that there won’t be any more chances—any more opportunities for heartbreak.

“She did tell me,” I reply, forcing my lips to curl, “and it sounds wonderful. Valentina and I don’t have anywhere near enough girl time these days. Thank you.”

“What about me?” Vivi asks. “I’m a girl. I like spa days and party dresses.”

I love all the girls, but Vivi is my kindred spirit. I hope they don’t rein her in too much.

“When have you been to the spa?” Catarina asks in the disparaging way that ten-year-old big sisters can sometimes do.

“When we have sleepovers with Valentina. We have face masks and manicures. She calls it spa night.”

Valentina and I had plenty of sleepovers and spa nights when we were teenagers. A few with Grandma Lydia—but nowhere near enough.

Catarina glances at me and rolls her eyes before leaning closer. “Do you think I can come with you?” she whispers so no one else can hear.

“I would love it, and so would Valentina. But we need to check with your mom.”

She nods with a confident smile. “I’m almost a teenager. I think she’ll say yes.”

Almost a teenager is quite a stretch, but it might not matter, because I doubt shopping sprees and manicures are in my near future.

The gala is one thing. The guest list will include high-ranking political types, like the president of Portugal, plus it’s being held here, at Daniela and Antonio’s home. Security will be as close to impenetrable as it gets. But I can’t go dress shopping or to the spa or even the pharmacy until the traffickers are caught—or at least until I’m old news for them. Right now, it’s too hot for me to be out in public. Even I know that. But I don’t say anything about it. Now isn’t the time or the place.

“Rafa,” four-year-old Gabe says softly. “I have a new tent. Do you want to see it?”

“I definitely want to see it. As soon as everyone’s finished eating, we’ll go check it out.”

“I told Gabe you’d take him camping in the backyard.” Antonio’s mouth twitches while he speaks. “You know, payback and all that.”

Gabe peers up at Rafael with big brown eyes, filled with innocence and hope.

“Just the guys,” Rafael tells him with a wink. “No girls. No dresses. No spa days.”

“Just the guys,” the little cutie repeats, beaming, and my heart flutters.



After dinner, Gabe drags me up to his room, which was once my room. While we’re test-driving the tent to be sure my legs don’t stick out, Daniela waltzes in.

“He doesn’t fit,” Gabe tells his mother, bottom lip trembling. “We can’t go camping.”

“What do you mean, we can’t go camping? We’ll just get a bigger tent,” I assure him. “I’ll pick you up on Saturday morning, and we’ll get breakfast at the café with the bike hanging on the wall, and then we’ll buy a big tent.”

He beams. “Just the guys?”

“Me and you, buddy. That’s it.”

“I’m going to tell Papai that we’re going to buy a new tent. A big one.”

Daniela catches him for a quick hug before he scrambles out of the room.

“Hard to believe someone who is so good with children,” she muses when we’re alone, “and people in general, would have absolutely no sense when it comes to women.”

A groan rumbles in my chest, as I get up off the floor. Daniela is closer to my age than to Antonio’s, but in many ways, she’s been very maternal and protective toward me. My family did some unconscionable things to hers—and to her. But she’s never blamed me for any of it, and she bent over backward, from the moment she arrived, to let me know I’d always have a home here. For that, I show her more deference than most people, and permit her a little leeway to stick her nose into my personal life. But it’s not a free pass. Otherwise, there’d be no end to her meddling.
