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“Rainbows and unicorns.”

That makes me laugh. A real laugh. And she picks up on it.

Phew. For a minute there, I was worried this was starting to feel like an actual date. The kind where you don’t know if the girl likes you, and so you have to say all kinds of strange things in awkward silences to feel the situation out.

I never want that with Alli. I want us to be this way forever.

I think I do, anyway.

* * *

“Where ees ze accountant? Monsieur Green? We are ten minutes to scheduled meeting time, but I am ready.” She click-clacks down the hall to my office. “Here you are. May we meet?”

“Hi, Miss Chardonnay.” I gather up my papers and try to calm my heart, which has suddenly started beating in the middle of my throat. That could get in the way of the slick presentation I’ve prepared. “I’ll grab a glass of water and join you in the meeting room.”

“Excellent. I will ask the others to join.”

“Others?” I ask, but she’s already gone.

I wasn’t planning on ‘others’ being there. Who are they? Stakeholders? Other managers? Esteemed guests or business partners?

I send Alli a quick text, knowing she’s probably doing deliveries.

“My turn for showtime. Wish me luck.”

I fill my glass, and the phone pings.

“You don’t need luck. You know this stuff inside out. You’re the smartest man I know, and you’re going to rock their socks off. Get ‘em, Ter-Ter!”

Alli. My biggest fan.

Still, the water shakes in the glass as I walk down the long hall that connects to the main meeting room in the Chateau Rose. I’d rather think that it’s an earthquake than my nerves. An earthquake right about now would suit me fine. I’m not ready. My heart rate is too high. My palms are sweaty and never mind my underarms. Why didn’t I put on my blazer?

I step into the meeting room.

“Welcome, Monsieur Green.” Miss Chardonnay gestures to a chair in the front of the room behind a single table, while three other attendees sit in the front row.

Pretend you’re not nervous. Fake it ‘til you make it. What is it that Alli always says?

Imagine them naked.

In front of me is my boss’s boss, as well as an elderly man, a very large woman, and a very tall, equally skinny woman with glasses thicker than a truck tire.

I am not going to imagine them naked.

I clear my throat. “Ladies and gentlemen.”

Oh no. I’m imagining them naked. Take a deep breath, smile. Act normal.

I glance down at my papers, where all the numbers are laid out like a work of art. The next phase of the Dog’s Paw.

I can do this.

“Here is a small package outlining my findings since joining the Dog’s Paw nearly three months ago. I’d also like to use this opportunity to note my appreciation for Miss Chardonnay’s leadership, as I have seen the benefits not only in the fiscal side of the business, but also in a workplace culture that engenders collegiality, professionalism, and the joy of canine-human relations.”

“I thank you, Monsieur Green.” Miss Chardonnay leafs through the package and then turns to the others in the room. “Will you not introduce yourselves? It would be impolite to let Monsieur Green continue without knowing his audience.”

The man stands with difficulty. “Morris Townsend. Former accountant of the Chateau Rose.”

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