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The curtain call is a masterpiece of its own, with Alli skidding along the rink—thank goodness for the knee pads—and they take a final bow. I’m sure no one is clapping as loud as I am.

Out from the crowd struts Mr. Huxton, the elder of the family that founded this town back in the time of the gold rush. Their riches didn’t come until much later though. Timely investments during periods of plenty. And the whole family has been known for giving back to the community.

Mr. Huxton steps onto the rink, and the roller derby team applauds his arrival, shifting to make space for him. Someone swiftly brings out a microphone. He takes it and offers a gracious smile. Everything this man does is classy, but maybe that’s what a billion dollars can do for a guy.

“Ladies and gentlemen, and ladies of the wheels. Tonight has been a sheer delight, wouldn’t you say?”

The crowd shows their support with more applause.

“I agree,” he continues. “And I think it is a shame that this team has never been able to show their stuff at the state competition. So what do you think? Do we send them?”

Cheers break out across the arena.

“Then let’s do it!” He throws his fist in the air. “Girls, you have your funding. Go knock ’em dead! Not literally though, especially you.”

He points at Alli, who gives an innocent and adorable shrug, to the audience’s delight.

The woman who must be the captain of the team speaks into the microphone. “Three cheers for our fabulous benefactor! Hip hip!”


“Hip hip!”

Alli and I connect eyes. Her cheeks are rosy, and her eyes light up in the rink’s spotlights.


The crowd all disappears. She is all I see. I wink at her.

“Hip hip!”

She winks back.


* * *

Alli skips out of the changing room and throws her arms around me.

“Ter-Ter found me!”

I bear hug her back. “There were plenty of tickets, silly Alli-bear.”

“Oh? How about that.”

She can’t hide behind that tone of voice. She knew. Why wouldn’t she want me to come? That’s a question for later. First thing’s first.

“Dinner?” I ask.

“You have no idea the appetite I’ve worked up.”

“After a performance like that, I’m not surprised! You were all over the place!”

“Literally! Come on, I Heart Burgers is just down the street. Let’s leave your car and walk. I need to work off some of this energy, and a burger will hit the spot.”

I Heart Burgers is a fixture of Hampton Falls. In the fifties, it was a classic drive-through. In the seventies, a disco. And now, it serves hipster-style delicious burgers to the max.

Once the burgers are ordered and extra-large glasses of fizzy drinks are on the table, Alli turns her attention back to me.

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