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“It’s Brynn,” I announced as I replied to her.

Not yet. I’ll be there soon. We can all go to the penthouse and talk.

Tiny black dots flickered while Brynn typed out her response.

Okay. See you when you get here.

I thanked Pierce and Sutton for their help, then told them goodbye.

Zayne led Jace, Chance, and me to the company Mercedes parked in front of Pierce’s garage. Zayne had insisted on driving us. It had been a smart move. I was so upset, I had no business being behind the wheel of a car.

Once we were headed down the driveway and to the main road, Jace broke the silence from the backseat. “I can’t believe River’s pregnant,” he said softly. Compassion laced his words. “Is the test recent?”

I pressed my lips together. “I think it was from this morning. She’s been sick the last few days. I have a feeling Brynn might know more.”

“That’s fucked up, man.” Chance massaged the back of his neck. “This whole situation is fucked up. I’ll do anything I can to help.”

I glanced over my shoulder at him, his blue eyes flashing with a myriad of emotions—support, fear, and anger.

“The stairs being locked is bothering the shit out of me, dude,” Jace chimed in. He cracked his knuckles, his tell-tale nervous sign.

“You and me both,” Zayne said from the driver’s seat. “I’m fast. I would have made it to her in time.” His hand tightened on the steering wheel, his fingers turning white from gripping it so hard.

My anger had dissipated the more I realized that Zayne had been purposefully backed into a corner. I swallowed my pride. “Sorry I lost my shit and yelled at you.”

Zayne rubbed his jaw. “I would have done the same. Let’s forget it and move on.”

I nodded. Maybe Zayne was a better man than I’d given him credit for. “From what you said, it sounds like River punched all of the elevator buttons to stall you. I wish I knew why. I can speculate, but I’m not positive. I want to check her phone and see if there are any texts or calls from an odd number. River didn’t have many people in her life, so if it wasn’t one of us, then it’s suspicious.”

“Good to know,” Zayne said, flipping on the turn signal and turning right onto Division Street.

“So, you think she got spooked?” Chance asked from the backseat.

“Something happened from the time she arrived at the club this morning to when she ditched Zayne.” I ran my fingers through my hair, attempting not to fall apart again. I needed to be alone to process what the fuck was happening. I could lose my shit later, but not in front of everyone.

“I know for a fact no one else was on the floor with us. I searched it as soon as she disappeared into her office,” Zayne explained.

“She didn’t touch anything that I could see,” I added, recalling that her desk was clean and so was mine.

Nervous silence stretched between us as Zayne pulled into the parking lot of 4 Play. Without a second thought, I jumped out of the car and ran inside the club. The overhead lights above the bar illuminated a woman, but I couldn’t tell who it was. I hurried toward her, my heart dying a little with each step as I realized it was Brynn and not River.

“Hey.” I bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

She gripped my arms, her face pale. “I haven’t heard from her. Have you?” She peered at me, trust in her gaze.

“No. Let’s go to the penthouse and see if we can find anything.” I took her hand in mine as Jace, Chance, and Zayne joined us. Brynn’s fingers were ice cold, and I rubbed them hoping I’d warm her up. “Please know that I love you when I say this … you don’t look too good.”

“I don’t feel too good.” She gulped, then leaned against the wall as we waited for the elevator.

The doors whooshed open, and we all filed in, then headed to the penthouse. This would be the first time everyone saw it complete and furnished. It wasn’t right. River should have seen it before anyone else. We should have made love in our bed—in our new room. I’d planned on cooking for her that night before our friends joined us for drinks and … My heart nosedived, and a sharp, stabbing pain spread through my chest. I should be proposing to the love of my life tonight. Instead, she was missing, and I was scrambling to try and find her. Her and our baby.

The elevator arrived on the top floor, breaking my thoughts. I strolled to the door and allowed the retinal scanner to scan my eye. I waited for the click of the lock to release, but nothing happened.

Frowning, I jiggled the handle, but it was still locked. I returned to the scanner, but it failed to work a second time.

Before I could verbalize my concerns, Zayne pulled his gun out of his side holster. On high alert, he faced the elevator and watched as the light indicated it was coming our way. The soft ping sounded in the hallway, and Zayne remained steady, waiting.

Chapter Three

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