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Confused, I frowned at him. “Of course, I am baby. Why would you ask me that? I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.”

Holden stood and pulled up his pants. “I just wanted to make sure.” He sank onto the couch, his expression turning grim.

After I buttoned my jeans again, I grabbed my cane and hopped off the desk. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Chapter Thirty-Six

Guilt clung to Holden’s features as he took my hand in his. “While you and Brynn were out shopping today, I poked around where I shouldn’t have.”

I laughed softly. “Holden, I don’t care if you looked through my belongings. I don’t have much, and I certainly don’t have any secrets to hide.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek, touched that he was worried I’d be upset with him.

Holden gave me a weak smile. “It wasn’t your stuff, babe. For whatever reason, Dad’s office wasn’t locked. I’m guessing it’s because he got thrown out on his ass and didn’t have time to lock up.”

The hair on the back of my neck bristled. “What did you find?” Brynn’s words returned to me, and I wondered if Holden had found any information backing up Brynn’s accusation of Tim being involved as an illegal weapons dealer.

“Mom had left for a while, so I had the house to myself. For some reason I gave his office doorknob a turn and it opened. His laptop was open, and papers were on his desk. After what he pulled with you, I had a sinking feeling that he wasn’t the man he pretended to be.”

Anxiety descended over me. “What did you find?” I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb, encouraging him to continue.

“Nothing at first. It was all encrypted. I reached out to Jace and he connected me with some genius computer guru named Sutton. Apparently, she’s the wife of Pierce Westbrook, who owns the security company I use. Sutton promised me full confidentiality. I’ve met Pierce a few times, and he always has great men working for him, so I trusted them already. I paid her to help me. Within a few hours, I was able to read every word.”

He leaned against the couch, a faraway expression clouding his face. “We can’t go back, River. The information that Sutton found puts us in grave danger. Plus, Dad’s pissed that you brought him to his knees, and Mom kicked him out. He has a key to the house ...” He gulped. “I can’t take a chance. I can’t risk anything happening to you.” Tears welled in his eyes. “I don’t want to tell you any specifics. It would put you at an even greater risk.”

I pursed my lips together, trying not to tell him what Brynn had shared with me earlier. There was no way I would break her trust, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t encourage Holden and Brynn to discuss what they each knew.

“Growing up, I learned the most powerful people are always the most corrupt. Their need for control is deep-rooted and often requires a darker outlet. Tim Alastair is no different.” Holden’s features grew stormy. “I want to hunt him down and slam my fist through his perfect teeth.” Fury rolled off him in waves. I sat still and waited for him to continue. “Names, contacts, money, shell companies, and offshore accounts. From what I can tell, Mom doesn’t have any idea that Dad is dealing illegal firearms.”

Even though Brynn had said the same to me, this was different. There was proof, and Holden’s words sat in my gut like sour milk.

“I’m too selfish to give you up, River. But I’ll admit that I considered it. You’re in danger if you stay.”

My breath stuttered and I clasped his face in my palms. “You know I’m in just as much danger, if not more, if I go. I would much rather be with you, Holden. Our odds are better together.” I brushed my lips against his. “I love you.” I looked into his sad eyes.

“There was one more thing.” His whole body was rigid and strained. “There was a name … Logan Huntington. Is that the same one as the Logan in the picture with my family?” His brow lifted in question.

I attempted to still my racing heart, but I couldn’t. “Yes,” I choked out. “And thanks to Shirley and Ed, he knows exactly where I’m sleeping at night.” Fury sizzled beneath the surface, battling with sorrow and disappointment over Shirley and Ed’s betrayal.

A simmering rage lurked inside Holden’s eyes. “I’ll kill anyone that tries to hurt you.” He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles.

“Do you trust me, Holden?”

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have told you what I’d learned about Tim.”

Holden was flipping between referring to his father as Tim or Dad. He was torn and conflicted, and I wanted to kiss his pain away and make it all disappear.

I raised my hip off the couch and slid my phone from my back pocket. My fingers flew over the screen, and seconds later, it vibrated.

I need you to talk to someone.

Holden leaned over and rested his elbows against his knees, his head hanging down. “If I’d known, I would have never brought you into my home. I was supposed to protect you, River and I’ve only let you down.” His voice sounded haunted. Devastated. Alone.

The ache that never stopped throbbing in my chest intensified to an earth-shattering roar. “It’s not your fault. You can’t think like that. I was running from Logan and his men when I landed in your yard. We were already connected, just in a way neither of us anticipated.”

A soft knock at the door interrupted our conversation. “I’ve got it.” I stood and crossed the room with my heart beating wildly against my chest. I knew who was on the other side of the wall. I slipped into the hallway and held my finger to my lips, indicating we had to whisper.

“Are you all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Brynn hugged me and I swallowed my tears. I was so grateful for her friendship.

Pulling away, I cleared my throat. “I gave you my word that I wouldn’t say anything to Holden about Tim, and I haven’t.” My eyes pleaded with her to help me. “You need to tell him, Brynn, and Holden needs to tell you what he learned today.”

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