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“Yeah?” I was finally realizing that Holden’s surprises were good ones. Growing up, they never were. My heart twisted painfully in my chest as Dan’s sneer appeared in my mind. I grabbed Holden’s arm and squeezed it.

“Are you all right?” he asked as we walked to the elevator.

“Yeah, it’s just that sometimes memories pop up.” I couldn’t force myself to tell Holden that Dan had stolen my virginity. It wouldn’t have done any good to talk about it. Dan was dead. Gone. Wild animals most likely ate his flesh, and only the bones were left. I’d heard that seeking revenge usually ended up badly, but I found great satisfaction in recalling that Dan had gotten what he deserved.

“You’re safe, babe.” Holden placed his hand on my back, the warmth of his palm comforting me.

The elevator doors slid closed, and within a few seconds, we were exiting again on the third floor. Instead of heading to the conference room, we went in the opposite direction. Holden stood in front of the eye scanner. The door clicked, then he opened it. An overhead light turned on as soon as he stepped inside.

“This is my office.”

A large cherrywood desk sat in front of the row of windows. Three dark brown leather chairs lined the wall, and I assumed those were for potential clients. The far-left wall was lined with built-in bookcases directly above a couch.

“It’s gorgeous.” I strolled to the other side, admiring the city lights below us.

“This door ...” He opened it, and I followed him into the next room. “This is your office, River.”

I gawked as my attention bounced around. It was as big as his and already furnished with matching furniture, except that I had a black couch and chairs instead of brown.

“I’ll add you to the retina scanner for both offices.”

I nodded, too overwhelmed with the idea that I had my own space at the club. Not a closet or basement office, but a gorgeous office with a row of windows behind the cherrywood desk.

“What do you think?” Holden shoved his hands in his pockets as I slowly took it all in, touching every surface with my fingertips.

“I love it. I’m blown away, but I love it.” I strolled over to him, pushed up on my tiptoes, and pressed my lips against his. “When do I start?”

“We’ll review the contract with legal tomorrow. They’ll answer any questions and if you need something else, then they can write it in.”

“Makes sense.” I kissed him again. “Does anyone else have access to the offices other than us?” I tugged at the waistband of his jeans.

“No.” His response was husky.

“Good.” I fumbled with his button and zipper, then reached into his boxer briefs and wrapped my fingers around his thick cock. I stroked him as our kisses grew needy and desperate.

Holden grabbed my waist, then lifted me off the floor and onto my desk. I set my cane down, then leaned back and propped myself up on my elbows, watching as he removed my boots, jeans, and G-string. The cool air brushed against my bare legs, and I shivered.

He knelt and gently spread me apart. “Perfection.” He eased two fingers inside of me, then swirled his tongue around my bundle of nerves.

I was on fire. Every part of me hummed with expectation and need while I watched as he devoured me, licking, sucking, and fucking me with his mouth. My head fell back, and my eyes closed as I tilted my hips. Desire licked through every inch of my sensitive skin.

“Holden,” I panted.

He gripped my thighs, and I tipped over the edge into oblivion. I leaned against the desk, then Holden crawled on top of me. I giggled as I realized we were going to break in my office properly.

“Every time I look at this desk, I’m going to remember this moment.” I placed my palm against his cheek and smiled.

“I hope so.” He gently pushed himself inside of me and pressed his mouth against mine.

My lips parted, our tongues tangling as he found his rhythm. He placed his palms on either side of me and moved his hips in a circular motion, massaging my clit as he made love to me.

“Jesus, River, you feel so goddammed good.”

I slipped my hands beneath his shirt and scraped my nails along his sensitive skin. He nipped at my ear and picked up the pace. Our bodies rocked in unison and nothing else existed except for us. I could stay forever in this safe bubble with him, ignoring all the bad in the world.

A soft whimper escaped me, the delicious feeling swelling in the pit of my stomach. The sweet and warm orgasm unfurled and claimed the rest of my body. He released a low growl, gripped the backs of my thighs, and plowed into me. His body shuddered as he came.

He dotted my face with kisses and smiled at me. “Are you happy, River?”

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