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Rubbing my stomach, I took a deep breath. Emptiness settled over me, and emotions clogged my throat. It was strange how I already missed the baby. According to Dr. Austin, I’d only been six weeks along, but apparently, it was enough for my heart to shatter into a million pieces.

Suddenly, my gut lurched, and I jumped out of bed. I ran to the toilet, reaching it right before I heaved. Gathering my long hair from my face, I remained on my knees as another bubble of nausea forced its way up. There was no way I was sick. It had to be nerves. The only person I’d gotten close to was Dr. Austin. The guard dropped off my tray, then disappeared. Other than food delivery three times a day, I never saw anyone else.

An idea took shape in my mind, and I groaned. Reid and I held hands every night, and he was with people all the time. “Fuck.” I stood on wobbly legs and gripped the side of the sink until I could turn the water on. I couldn’t be sick. I couldn’t. How would I make it out of here if I was puking and weak?

After brushing my teeth, I crawled back in bed and dozed off again until the guard dropped off my breakfast. The smell of eggs turned my tummy, and I lay still as tiny beads of sweat dotted my upper lip and forehead. I snuggled beneath the blanket, refusing to give in to the idea I had the stomach flu. It didn’t matter if I did. If Anthony followed through, I would have to run anyway. It would be best to rest and save my energy.

A painful reminder wormed its way into my mind. The last time I’d been sick, I was pregnant. It wasn’t possible now, though. The loss stabbed me in the chest. Mental images of Holden kissing and holding me soothed me a little. If our plan worked, I would see him soon, but I was too scared to allow myself to entertain the idea for long.

Finally, my eyelids grew heavy, and I drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Footsteps pulled me from my tormented dreams, and I struggled to sit up. From the sun’s position, it appeared to be late afternoon.

Scuffed, black dress shoes appeared, then I glanced up at a man in a black suit with a white shirt. His dark hair was thin, and I guessed he was in his forties. He must have been a client, but why would he come to my cell?

“River Collins?”

I nodded, assessing him in hopes of figuring out why he was here. Fuck. Anthony sold us out. This is it!

I climbed out of bed and stood, ready to scratch his fucking eyes out, kick, and scream—anything to protect myself.

“What do you want?” My words were harsh and clipped.

“I’m Brian Donovan with the FBI.” He raised his badge with his left hand and unlocked my cell with his other.

“Wow, two dirty FBI agents working for this shit show.” I massaged the back of my neck, willing my stomach to settle down. Maybe if I puked all over him, I could run past him. He wasn’t in great shape, but probably not bad either.

Mr. Donovan rubbed his chin. “I’m the good guy. I can prove it.” He removed a phone from the inside of his jacket and made a call.

“I found her.” Brian paused, then gave me the cell.

I shook my head. If I got too close to him, he could grab me.

“I’ll put it on speaker.” Brian tapped the screen then held it in my direction. “Go ahead.”

“River? Baby, is it you?”

I narrowed my gaze at Brian, my brows furrowing and my brain not comprehending what was happening for a minute. “Holden?”

“It’s me, River. I’m outside waiting for you. Please, come out. Brian Donovan is a good guy. You can trust him.”

“Y-you’re here?” My legs trembled violently as the pieces began to fall into place. “Holden? You’re here?”

Disbelief taunted me as I scrambled to understand. “This isn’t a trick? It’s really you?”

“It’s me, baby. I swear. I’m outside. The FBI wouldn’t let me come in.”

A cry escaped me, and I looked at Brian. Kindness filled his expression as he stepped away from the door. This had to be real. It had to be. Even if it wasn’t, I had to take the chance. Holden had never lied to me. Ever. It wasn’t him I was worried about, though. I’d been puking earlier, and maybe I was dehydrated and hallucinating. I had to choose, and I trusted Holden. Now, I had to trust myself. “Can you take me to him, please?”

“You bet. It’s over, River. You’re going home.” Brian gave me a friendly smile and stepped back, allowing me the room to leave this cage.

I slapped my palm over my mouth, tears flowing freely down my cheeks. My hand shook as I reached for the phone. “Can I talk to him while you’re walking me out?”

“You bet.” Brian delivered the cell, and I took it off the speaker. “Holden?”

“I’m here, baby. It’s so good to hear your beautiful voice. I’ve missed you so much.”

“I can’t believe this is real. I’m dreaming. I have to be. I’ve had so many while I’ve been … here.” I gulped, terrified to wake up and realize I was still trapped in my cell, waiting for Reid to come back.

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