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“I don’t think he will, but you’re right.” Reid blew out a heavy sigh. “If I deny it, who will believe me?”

“But if he said something, wouldn’t he be putting himself in jeopardy?” I began pacing, my mind clamoring to make sure Reid wasn’t hurt. We could lose everything, and we barely had anything to start with.

“I’ll figure out what to do,” Reid assured me.

“No, we will come up with a plan together. I was the one that brought this up. It would be my fault if anything happened to you.” I smacked my forehead with my palm. “I should have already figured this out. I was too scared to play with the idea that he might consider helping us.”

“He said something that really makes me think he’s serious.”

“What?” I tapped my foot, fidgeting with anxiety.

“He said he wanted kids with me, but after the awful shit he’d seen here, he wasn’t sure he could.”

I frowned. “Then why does he stay?”

“Because he knows too much. They’ll kill him.” His voice was rough like he’d choked on sandpaper.

“Shit. I hate to say it, but that’s good. It means he’s got skin in the game as well.” I bit my lip, holding the swell of feelings inside. “You didn’t answer me about running away with him. Were you feeding him a line or serious?”

“I won’t be your burden, River. Anthony loves me, and if he follows through, he’ll have proved it. I would want to make him happy.”

My nostrils flared. “You’re lucky I can’t get my hands on you right now,” I seethed. “I would slap some sense into you. Listen up, Reid whatever your last name is. You don’t owe anyone your happiness. Not anymore. The only person you need to make happy is you. I realize this will be a brand-new concept, and it was for me not too long ago, but if you don’t come with me, then …” I balled up my fingers and released a frustrated groan. “Then I’ll kidnap you my damned self.”

It started with a soft chuckle, then a full-on laugh.

“What is so funny right now?” I gripped the stupid bars until my knuckles turned white.

“You’re adorable when you’re pissed.”

“You’re infuriating when you’re stubborn. For fuck’s sake, give yourself a chance to find out what you want, who you love, what makes your soul sing.” I shook the bars, attempting to release some of my frustration.

“You’re really serious about not letting me go?”

I closed my eyes, the insecurity in his tone piercing my soul. “You have no idea how serious.” My words were soft and genuine.

“All right. Once we’re out of here, I’ll tell him I need to get you to a safe place, then I’ll meet up with him. It will buy us some time,” he explained.

My mind began screwing with me, images of Reid staying in the car with Anthony and waving goodbye to me.

“Don’t break my heart, Reid. Just don’t fucking do it.” I licked my chapped lips and wondered if this was my last night here or if the plan would fail, and we would end up separated for the rest of our lives. Tears blurred my vision, and I blinked them away. “If anything goes wrong, and I never see you again …” I choked on my words. “Please know I love you, and I’ll be thinking about you every day.”

Reid sucked in a breath, followed by sniffles and a muffled cry. “I love you, River. You’re the only real friend I’ve ever had.”

“Give me your hand.” I stretched and waited for his to join mine.

The warmth of his skin comforted me immediately. Hopefully, I helped him the way he had me. “Guess we’d better make sure nothing bad happens, then huh?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Reid blew out a heavy sigh.

We stood, clinging to each other the only way we could as tears streamed down my face. Tomorrow would be hell waiting for Reid to return to his cell, not to mention another eternity of waiting for Anthony to show up. Although Anthony said he’d lose his life if he helped, I wasn’t convinced that he wasn’t playing Reid as much as Reid was playing him. Only time would tell.

Chapter Twelve

The next morning, Reid and I whispered goodbye before a guard showed up to take him to his clients. My stomach dropped to my toes as I realized that if everything went south, this might be the last moment I ever heard his voice.

I suspected Reid and I were both thinking about Anthony and our planned escape. Fear and anxiety danced on my already frayed nerves. It would only take seconds for our entire world to be turned upside down … again. It wasn’t as though we were living a good life, but enduring torture or being beaten to death wasn’t on my agenda.

For just a minute, I permitted myself to pretend that Anthony would follow through and that I would be in Holden’s arms soon. I closed my eyes, allowing my imagination to soar so that I could smell his clean citrus scent. My fingers twitched as I imagined running them along his slightly stubbled jaw, then kissing his full lips. I loved the way his chest and ab muscles flexed beneath my touch. Desire stirred to life inside me, taking me by surprise. I hadn’t allowed myself to miss him sexually. But what if I never see him again? Dark thoughts rolled into my head like a storm cloud, and I quickly shut them down.
