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A loud siren filled the air, and I peered around nervously. Someone had sounded an alarm, alerting everyone that I was trying to escape. But from what I could tell, I wasn’t even close to the edge of the compound. Not to mention, there was a tall, chain-link fence that ran for as far as I could see.

Three men in grey pants with matching shirts ran toward me, carrying weapons.

“On the ground! Now!” one of them yelled.

Fuck. It was either toss the white flag or die. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I could live like Reid. If I had my baby here, he or she would grow up in slavery. Maybe death was the better choice. Holden’s beautiful face flashed in front of me, and my heart ached. I had to live for him. He had to know what Michelle was capable of. I couldn’t give up yet.

Defeated and unwilling to dance with death, I slowed and dropped to my knees. The bright green grass tickled my bare legs.

“Thanks, boys,” Michelle said, jogging up to me. She whipped out a pair of cuffs and slapped them on my wrists. “River is on her way to shower and get some clean clothes. You can gawk at her later.”

The three men stared at my makeshift top and skirt, their tongues practically hanging out of their mouths.

Michelle jerked me to my feet and jabbed the barrel of her gun into my back. With a hard shove, I stumbled forward.

“Nice try.” She smirked as she directed me to a warehouse next to the large white home I’d spotted yesterday. “It’s time to get you cleaned up and fed. Then I’ll give you some clothes. You’ll get the grand tour of the facility after that.”

“Sorry if I can’t contain my excitement,” I grumbled.

“You really are a fucking smartass, aren’t you?” Michelle stopped as we reached the door of the building.

“Meh, you just bring it out in me.” I winked at her. I’m not sure what I was trying to accomplish other than pissing her off. If I could ruffle her feathers, then I would have a better chance of catching her off-guard and escaping. At least my lame attempt to flee a few minutes ago had helped me understand what I was up against—men with guns and a tall-ass fence around the perimeter.

“We’ll see about that.” Michelle led the way, and we entered the building.

The heavy scent of sex overwhelmed my senses. It might have looked like an ordinary building from the outside, but it sure as hell wasn’t on the inside.

“What the fuck?” My attention swept the rows of glassed-in rooms with small holes for ventilation.

“Take your time and look around, River. Afterward, we’ll see if you have anything to say.” Michelle remained next to me as horror blossomed to life in my chest. The glass room closest to me contained a bed and chair. A grown, naked, blonde-haired man leaned against the wall as he stroked a young lady’s head. She was on her knees, sucking his dick.

“No! I told you no teeth, you little bitch.” He raised his hand and slapped the girl, knocking her backward.

She curled into herself as he beat her in front of us. Once his anger subsided, he jerked her off the floor by her brown hair and slammed her face into the glass wall. Two tired, empty eyes stared at me.

“Jesus. She looks like she’s barely over puberty,” I hissed at Michelle.

The young girl’s cries rang out as the guy began to fuck her from behind. I turned away before I hurled apple chunks all over Michelle.

“I don’t need to see anymore. I get your point.” I wondered if Reid had trained anyone or if he’d been the trainee—beaten and raped like the girl. If he was here, I wouldn’t even know. I had no clue what he looked like other than dark hair and muscular. That could be a million different guys.

“Walk.” Michelle poked me in the arm with her weapon.

The next glass room held a young woman who appeared to be in her early thirties. Two well-developed girls that appeared to be in their late teens were naked and wore collars. The woman pulled on the long chain, forcing them toward her.

She raised a whip and lowered it on one of the girl’s backs, ripping her flesh. Blood bloomed from her wound, and she whimpered as she lifted her arms to defend herself.

“Now. Let’s try this again.” The woman sat in a chair and spread her legs. “Eat me like your life depends on it. Because it does.”

I slammed my eyes closed. This was training camp. This was where I would end up. My pulse galloped into a full-on frenzy. Undiluted fear and dark rage snarled in my stomach as the realization seeped deep into my soul. I was trapped, and from the looks of it, there was no way out.

The woman in the glass room looked at me. A spark of lust gleamed in her wicked smile as she scanned me up and down. My pulse pounded so hard in my ears, I felt it in my veins. I swore Michelle could hear its rapid rhythm. I sucked in a deep breath, only smelling blood and sex. Bile swam up my throat, and I gulped, forcing my apple to stay down.

“You get to look forward to all of this. Then you’ll either be sold to a wealthy son of a bitch who collects girls and discards them as soon as he’s bored, or …” Michelle’s intense gaze locked on mine. “You’ll be serving clients just like these are. On occasion, you might be treated well, but not often.”

Michelle urged me forward. Room after room was filled with adult men and women abusing people.

“Why me?” My voice cracked with anxiety and fear. “I’m older than everyone here.”

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