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Chapter Six

The door opened, and I strode forward with one purpose in mind ... To end that bitch. I stood toe-to-toe with her, reminding myself to stay alert and focused. I couldn’t afford for my emotions to screw this up.

“You’re why I’m here?” I held her gaze and refused to back down.

Becky released a cackle.

“Do you have any idea how unattractive that makes you look?” I folded my arms in front of me, then dropped them to my sides, ready for her next move.

Becky’s smile faded away, and her hands landed on her hips. A flicker of light bounced off a badge secured to her belt.

“FBI?” I asked in a whisper. “You’re here to help me?” Confusion muddled my mind as I tried to sort through the memories. Becky had held a knife to my throat, but warned me that Holden’s family wasn’t who I thought they were. She was definitely right about that. Next, she tried to fucking drown me. What I didn’t understand was the fact she’d just let me walk out of my cell and flashed her credentials. “I don’t get it. You tried to kill me. Were you really trying to hurt me, or was it all part of this?” I waved my hand around in exasperation.

Becky raised a blonde eyebrow. “You’re full of questions, aren’t you?”

“All I need to know is which is it, Becky? Do you want to kill me, or are you helping me?”

Becky grabbed my bicep and gave it a painful squeeze. “Actually, my name is Michelle. I do work for the FBI, but this is my side gig.”

I attempted to jerk out of her grasp, but her fingers dug into my flesh. “What do you mean your side gig?”

“Let me show you.” She dragged me a few steps and stopped abruptly. “Oh, here.” She reached into her jacket pocket and produced an apple. “Eat something. I hear you’re pregnant.”

I took the food, searching for any marks or nicks where Michelle could have laced it with poison. I couldn’t trust her. After all, she was an absolute witch.

“Oh, for God’s sake!” Michelle snatched the fruit away from me, took a big bite, then handed it back. “It’s fine. No one tampered with it. We’d all lose our jobs if we screwed with you right now, and I make way too much money to mess it up.”

My mouth watered as the juice streamed down the shiny red skin. Dammit. I was fucking starving. I snatched the piece of fruit away from her and chomped down on it, the crunch echoing through the hall.

“Let me get this straight. You’re FBI, but work for a sex trafficking ring, too?” I asked while chewing loudly, completely ignoring any manners I’d typically have. Becky ... Michelle didn’t deserve my politeness.

“Something like that.” She led me to the exit. The harsh sunlight temporarily blinded me, and I squinted in order to shield my eyes. “You were easy prey. The night I warned you away, I really was trying to help you, but you didn’t listen, so you became fair game.”

“That was a fucked-up way of trying to help me. Are you sure you didn’t just want Holden for yourself? Not that it would have happened, but you could have kept dreaming.” I gave her a little smirk, trying my best to ruffle her feathers.

She raised her hand to slap me, then caught herself. “I would have had him until you came along.” Anger danced across her features, then she masked her emotions. “When the furniture arrived at the club, I had one of the men lock the door to the stairwell when you left to use the bathroom, which forced you to use the elevator. Even though you were excited about the furniture, something was bothering you. I figured it was only a matter of time before my men were able to corner you or find you alone.”

My furious gaze narrowed at her. “How did you know where I was, and who I was with?”

“You really are dense, aren’t you?” She rolled her eyes. “I was communicating with the men the entire time, and they were giving me a play-by-play. When you arrived at the loading dock alone … It was too damn easy.”

Fucking bitch. If I could have reached her gun, I would’ve put a bullet in her head and never felt bad about it. “I owe you an apology.” I wiped the sweet juice off my chin.

Michelle stopped and glared at me. “For what?”

I released a dramatic sigh. “Because I underestimated how big of a bitch you really are.” Tossing her a grin, I ducked the slap headed toward me. Once she was off-balance, I punched her as hard as I could in the nose.

Michelle stumbled backward, and I took advantage of the seconds I’d bought myself. I scanned the area, seeking a safe place to hide, but I was too disoriented. Deciding that standing here any longer wouldn’t help me any, I booked ass across the open field.

“Goddammit,” Michelle yelled from behind me.

A loud pop sounded, then something whizzed by my head.

“Stop, or I will fucking drop you,” Michelle ordered.

No way would I listen to her. I glanced over my shoulder and realized Michelle had pulled her gun and tried to shoot me. Pop. Pop. Pop.

I ducked and ran in a zigzag. Her accuracy sucked, but I would have a better chance of getting hit if I ran in a straight line.

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