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I sank onto the edge of the bed and forced myself to eat my dinner slowly. Only when I’d greedily eaten every last crumb had it occurred to me that the dinner might have been drugged. I gathered the tray and placed it on the floor, hoping like hell I hadn’t just killed myself or my baby. I remained standing in the middle of the room, counting to a hundred ten times. Mentally, I scanned my body for any strange feelings, chest pains, or odd symptoms. All I noticed was the sudden urge to pee. I made my way to the toilet and spotted a roll of toilet paper. I settled onto the seat, grateful I didn’t have to crouch over the ground. I finished and wiped, still not feeling any alarming sensations.

With a massive sigh of relief, I climbed back into bed and nestled under the blanket and white sheet. At least the cover was thick and provided a decent amount of insulation.

Once again, I pretended that I was in Holden’s arms, safe and content. Eventually, my breathing slowed, and my eyes fluttered closed.


The clang of a door woke me from a sound sleep, and my pulse kicked into high gear. Barrett must have been back, but it was in the middle of the night. I cringed. Maybe he’d returned to rape me again. I sat up, attempting to peer through the darkness. It wasn’t my cell that had opened. Heavy footsteps slapped against the concrete floor, then nothing.

“Hello?” I whispered. “Is someone there? Barrett?”

I counted four beats of my heart, then convinced myself I’d imagined the noises. It wouldn’t have been the first time I’d dreamed something and thought it was real.

I laid down, my head sinking into the small pillow.

“You’re not alone. At least not for tonight,” a male voice said.

Chapter Three

“Who are you?” I asked, rubbing my arms through the thin material of the dress.

A heavy sigh filled the night. “My name is Reid.”

“Are you here to … hurt me?” I chewed on my thumbnail, hating how fragile and broken I sounded.

“No. I’m one of you. I think I’m in the cell next to yours, actually.” The creak of a mattress told me he’d sat or laid down.

I hopped out of bed and pressed my left cheek to the bars, trying to see the cell next to mine. “Wiggle your fingers so I can see.”

A strong male hand slipped through the small opening. I inched to the side, then waved at him. “I’m River. I can see you. Well, your arm, anyway.”

“A-are you all right?” Genuine worry clung to his tone.

“It depends on what you consider all right.” I pondered the possibility that we might be able to touch each other, if the cells weren’t too far apart. Not that it mattered. I didn’t know this guy. One man assaulting me for the day was enough.

A beat of silence hung in the air. “Where am I? And what do you mean ‘one of you’?”

“You don’t have any idea why you’re here?” Footfalls echoed through the hall, and I imagined that he was pacing.

“No. I was drugged and nearly drowned. I fought back, then woke up in a dark pit under Barrett’s house. I have no idea for how long, but I’m guessing a few days. I was moved here today after …” My words failed me.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry you were hurt already, but you need to understand that it won’t be the last time.”

“I don’t understand. Please, tell me what’s happening?” An imaginary hand fisted around my heart at the thought of being hurt again.

“You’ve been brought to a training camp where they teach you to please people sexually. You’ll either be auctioned off as a slave, or you’ll stay here to be used at parties and for wealthy clients.”

I didn’t miss the sadness in his tone. “What?” I squeaked. I shook my head as if he could see me. “How long have you been here?”

“I’m not exactly sure, but since I was young. I’ve spent most of my life here.”

His confession doubled me over, and I sank to my knees, the cold concrete floor biting my skin through my flimsy dress.

“River, I’m so, so sorry. I’m not going to lie and tell you that it’s going to be okay because it’s not. It’s really not. But you’ll learn to adjust.”

“How can you say that?” I yelled at him, sobbing uncontrollably. “I have a boyfriend, a job, a future.”

Reid remained silent as I came undone, swearing to kill anyone that touched me. My eyes burned with tears, and my chest ached. I sucked in a shaky breath. “Reid?”

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