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The cold water between my ass cheeks didn’t even phase me. This time I welcomed the sting and pain. At least it was a deterrent from what I’d done. You slut. You just came all over a stranger’s hand. I choked on my cry.

When he was finished, Barrett spun me around. “Dry off.”

I grabbed the oversized tan towel and dried myself. My nakedness no longer mattered. This monster had violated me. And you’d enjoyed it, whore. I shook the thought from my mind. I couldn’t dwell on it right now. I’d already been stripped of my clothes and dignity. I couldn’t allow my need for revenge to be stolen from me as well. I tucked the awful memory away, saving it for when I needed it to drive me forward.

Barrett took the towel before I was finished and wrapped it around me. Without a word, he led me to a row of metal cabinets that spanned across the back wall. He opened a drawer and removed something. I couldn’t see well enough to understand what it was.

He tossed it at me. “Put this on.”

I shook it out and realized it was a long, white, see-through dress. Slipping it over my head, I tugged it down. It hit me at mid-thigh.

Barrett removed a pair of slip-on tennis shoes from the drawer and tossed them at my feet. “They should fit.”

I slid my damp foot into the right one, then the left. Afterward, he handed me a hairbrush. Over the next several minutes, I took great care to rid the tangles from my hair. Memories of when Shirley bought me a brush flickered through my mind. I pursed my lips. She and Ed had most likely betrayed me, or I wouldn’t be standing here in front of this bastard. I mentally added them to my revenge list.

Barrett’s lust-filled gaze never left me as he allowed me to brush my teeth over a sink near the drawers. Rust stains rimmed the edge of the basin. Or were they blood stains? I was afraid to ask. I didn’t want to entertain thoughts of what Barrett and his people were capable of doing. Although I hadn’t seen anyone else yet, there were at least ten homes near where I’d been held hostage.

Once I was finished, Barrett assessed me and nodded. “Better.” He grabbed my upper arm hard enough to bruise it and walked me to the exit.

I desperately wanted to ask where we were going, but I was terrified to hear the answer.

We left the building, and the sunlight warmed my skin. I hadn’t realized that I was still shivering from my cold shower. At least I could feel my toes now, thanks to the shoes. And run. Soon. I needed a plan and to build up my strength.

Barrett walked me past two additional buildings, then stopped at the last one in the row. He opened the door and pushed me forward. My heart lodged itself in my throat as I stared at the scene in front of me.

“Move. You’ll have plenty of time to adjust to your new home.” A malicious grin spread across his face.

A musty odor nearly stopped me in my tracks. This wasn’t a building that got a lot of fresh air. I blinked rapidly, attempting to focus on the row of empty prison cells that spanned both sides of the walls as far as I could see. A wide aisle separated them, ensuring no contact. Barrett led me to the next to last one and released my arm. He fished around in his pocket, then produced a key. The loud click of the lock echoed throughout the building.

“Go,” he ordered.

My gaze narrowed, anger igniting a spark inside me. “Does this make you feel like a man? Locking someone up and playing mind games with them?” I clenched my jaw, determined that he wouldn’t see any more tears from me. “Rot in hell, Barrett,” I said, spittle flying from my mouth and onto his lips.

He growled and wiped his mouth with his meaty hand, then shoved me inside the cell. I went flying to the concrete floor, landing on my hip with a hard smack. The door slid closed behind me.

“I’ll be back with food soon.”

Barrett’s booted footsteps faded, and the second the rat-bastard was out of the building, I broke into sobs. Placing my palm over my lower abdomen, I hoped the baby was okay. I slowly picked myself up and glanced at the dingy, small area. A bed, a sink, a toilet. I grabbed the blanket off the worn mattress and wrapped it around me. It was then that I realized I had a small window. I hurried to it. Pushing up on my tiptoes, I attempted to peer through the bars. Nervous energy tap danced over my ribcage. The view was expansive and overlooked hills of green grass. No houses. No people. No cars or animals. An ache traveled from my chest to my throat. Even if I had an opportunity to run, where the hell would I go? I would be shot before I made it very far.

Shivering, I crawled into bed and curled into a ball. Tears flowed fast and furious as my thoughts turned to Holden, then my body’s betrayal. How would he ever forgive me? Maybe I didn’t need to tell him. It was against my will, even if my body responded. I’d told Barrett to stop. I hadn’t given him consent. Holden always asked. Always. For now, I decided to lock the shameful memory away and focus on a plan of how to escape. It was imperative that I concentrated on Holden and my future.

I rubbed my tummy. “Hang on, little one. I swear I’ll get us out of here.” This time, I would make good on my promise. I’d failed my baby brother, but I was older now.

I stared at the cinder blocks separating my cell from the next and forced myself to focus on the positive. I was out of the dark pit. I had a mattress and a blanket. I didn’t have to crouch and pee in a corner. I had a sink. A sink! I shot off the bed and ran to the white porcelain bowl. I gripped the faucet and turned it on, the squeak of the handle the only sound other than my heavy breathing. Please. Please. Please.

A rush of water sputtered out, and I ran my fingers beneath the flow. It began to warm quickly. A cry broke free, and I tried the cold. My shoulders slumped forward with relief as it dawned on me that I had both. I cupped my hands together and filled them. Tentatively, I took a sip. I allowed it to roll over my tongue and trickle down my throat. It tasted so good. I continued to drink until I felt better. After I was done, I wiped my palms off on my thin dress. The sun had started its descent, and the darkness had begun to settle in. Still chilled, I crawled into my bed.

My mind returned to Holden. I imagined him sitting in our new penthouse, shoving his fingers through his hair, distraught. I hadn’t ever regretted such a stupid choice as much as I had ditching Zayne. I should be with Holden, Brynn, Jace, and Chance, celebrating our new home together. I swallowed against the ache in my chest.

The hours passed, and the glow of the moon filtered into my cell. At least I would be able to tell the time better than in the pit.

The sound of a door creaking reached my ears, and I stood and straightened my bed. I didn’t want Barrett or anyone else to know that I was using the blanket. They might take it away, and I needed it to stay warm.

A bright light filled the building, and I blinked several times in an attempt to clear my vision. With a smirk on his face, Barrett appeared with a tray of food.

“Don’t look so surprised. I told you I would be back.” He entered and placed the container on my bed. “And as you learned earlier, I always do what I say I will.” He grinned as he raked his eyes up and down my body, then stepped out of the cell, locking me in again. “G’night, sweetheart.” He winked, then walked away.

I hurried to the bars and watched him leave the building. Once he was gone, I looked at the white tray. Water, milk, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I grabbed the plastic spoon and napkin, then shoveled a bite of potatoes into my mouth. “Shit, that’s hot!” I sucked in air, trying to cool off the food that was burning my tongue. I waved my hand around as though it would help. Finally, I was able to swallow. I immediately snatched up the bottle of water and drank several gulps, allowing the cool liquid to soothe my tongue.

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