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Barrett guided me to one of them, then rang a buzzer. Within seconds, the door swung open, and I stepped foot into my new hell.

Chapter Two

Barrett led me to a corner of the vast, empty room and holstered his weapon. It looked like a warehouse with rows of cabinets on the opposite wall. The walls were a dirty white, and dark stains spotted the floor. “Don’t move.”

I subtly assessed the area for a way out. We were the only people in the building, which gave me a direct path to the exit. But even if I had the strength to run, Barrett would shoot me before I ever made it outside.

I eyed Barrett as he grabbed a long, brown hose that was larger than the average garden variety. Shivers shook my body as I waited to see what he had planned. I spotted the drains on the concrete floor, then it dawned on me. As soon as my terrified brain formed the thought, freezing cold water pelted against my skin, stabbing me like a million tiny needles. A scream tore from my throat as I tried to dodge the blast. I held my arms up to block the sharp spray. The son of a bitch had used some kind of power nozzle. Barrett was merciless and sneered at my pain. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I turned away, refusing to let him see me cry.

Finally, he lowered the hose and tossed a bar of soap and a small bottle of Garnier shampoo at my feet. “Hurry up,” he barked.

I scrambled for the shampoo. I struggled to open it but finally squeezed the honey-colored liquid into my palm. I turned my back to him and lathered my long, dark-brown hair. I quickly ran my fingers through it the best I could while my teeth chattered violently. I retrieved the soap while peeking through strands of my wet hair in order to see if Barrett had moved any closer to me. He hadn’t. I soaped up quickly, skipping the crack of my ass and lady bits. Although I was pretty sure I had dirt in all my crevices, I rejected the idea of him watching. I tossed the bar to the floor and braced myself for the next wave of the agonizing blast.

“You girls are all the same.” Barrett approached and grabbed my wrist. “Wash your pussy and ass, or I will.”

“Fuck you,” I whispered through clenched teeth.

Barrett chuckled. “As you wish.” He rinsed the suds from my hair and body. Once I was clean, he gathered the soap. He dropped the hose and lathered his hands. “Turn around, raise your arms, and spread your legs.”

I wiped the droplets of water from my face and glared at him. “Don’t you dare fucking touch me.”

He quirked a light-colored brow. “Then you should have done what I asked and washed yourself, bitch.”

In a quick move, Barrett overpowered me and smashed my cheek against the wall. His booted foot kicked at the inside of my ankle, sending pain ricocheting through my leg. He slid his soapy palms over my breasts, and I squeezed my eyes closed as I tried to block out his touch. I bucked against him, but he had me pinned, and I couldn’t shake him loose.

Barrett pressed his erection into my ass as he dipped his hand between my thighs. “Oh yeah, that sweet little pussy.”

“You sorry son of a bitch! Is this how you get off? Holding girls against their will?” I seethed, latching onto my anger for mental and emotional protection.

I sucked in a breath as he slammed a finger inside me, and his thumb massaged my clit. My molars ground together as I squirmed against his unwanted touch. “Stop!”

Barrett pulled my hair, forcing my head back while he continued.

“You’ll be on your knees begging for it soon, little girl.”

“Get your fucking paws off of me!” I raked my fingernails across the back of his arm.

He met my demand with a grunt and pressed his hips against me. He grabbed my throat, cutting off my air. I clawed at his arm, mentally pleading for him to let me go. He loosened his grip, but I understood I had to stay quiet and stop fighting, or he would end my life.

I hated him. I hated myself for ditching Zayne. I hated my body for not being stronger. A whimper escaped me as he skillfully played with my sensitive flesh. I sank my teeth into my lower lip and refused to cry out. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“Oh yeah. I like you,” Barrett whispered against my ear.

“I hate you. I love Holden. Do you understand? No matter what you do, you’ll never take that away from me,” I hissed.

“It won’t stop you from coming for me, darlin’.”

“Fucking pig.” I pushed against him, but it just encouraged Barrett to continue.

“I like the ones that have some fight to them.”

“No,” I whimpered, refusing to believe that my body would betray me.

Holden. Holden, I’m so sorry. I imagined it was Holden behind me, touching me. Owning me.

Barrett chuckled, his breath grazing against my ear. “You no longer own this.” He gave my clit a little pinch, and my world exploded. My core clenched around his fingers as I released.

As soon as I finished, he ordered me to bend over. My tears freely flowed as I obeyed him, my shame for betraying Holden stomping all over my heart. Guilt knotted my stomach as I mentally checked out.

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