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“More. Please.”

“You’ll fucking puke everywhere. It’s why I’m only giving you a little at a time.”

I met his gaze and searched for any sign of compassion. None. This was all part of the control game, and it started with water and food.

He continued to give me small doses, then set the bottle next to him. “Let’s try a bite to eat.” He opened the sealed sandwich baggie, and I looked at the ham and cheese eagerly. He ripped off the crust from the top of the bread. I parted my mouth like an obedient little puppy, and he placed the food on my tongue.

Once I’d chewed and struggled to swallow, he allowed me to have another drink.

He stood and returned to his seat at the table. “We wait.” He folded his hands across his chest and stretched his muscular legs in front of him.

Something told me he was used to waiting.

“Thank you,” I whispered, unsure if he was a good guy or not. My instincts told me not to trust him, but I had no other choice in my current situation. “I’m River.” If I could connect with him, maybe Barrett would tell me where I was and eventually help me leave. All I wanted was to go home and pepper Holden’s face with a hundred kisses.

“I know.” His brown eyes remained on me, and I wrapped my arms around my legs as I tried to cover myself the best I could.

“Do you work for Logan?”

Barrett didn’t even blink at my question. His stoic expression didn’t offer me a glimpse of who he took orders from.

“Why are you keeping me here?”

He answered with more silence. I struggled to understand. What did Barrett mean by training camp? What was I training for?

I studied the small room and finally realized I was still sitting beside the trap door. Barrett could easily shove me back into the dark hole. I shifted my weight and tried to scoot away, which was difficult since I didn’t want to expose my breasts.

“You’re not going back in the hole … for now.” He rose and approached me again. Over the next several minutes, he fed me small bites and allowed me to drink more.

Fear rippled through me at the idea of returning to the pit of darkness. Dirt streaked my legs and arms, and I reeked of urine, sweat, and vomit. I had no idea how Barrett was able to sit with me and not gag from the stench.

After I’d finished the sandwich, Barrett gave me what was left of the water, and I gulped it greedily. “Thank you,” I panted, wiping the droplets from my mouth with the back of my hand.

Barrett tossed the baggie into the trash, then grabbed another bottle from the fridge. He looked at me with a smirk on his face. “Stand up.”

“I don’t have any clothes.”

With two long steps, he closed the space between us. “I said stand up.” He peered down at me.

I was nearly at eye level with his bulging cock that pressed against his pants. Barrett didn’t even try to hide his arousal.

“Please. I need some clothes.”

He reached down, fisted a handful of my hair, and jerked me to my feet. “I fucking told you to stand,” he growled.

My legs wobbled as I found my balance, the pain shooting through my skull.

Barrett released me and stepped away. His gaze traveled over my breasts, down my flat stomach, and to my stubbled pussy. He palmed his erection through his pants and grinned. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Barrett motioned for me to walk in front of him. I crossed an arm over my chest, but before I could cover my center, he knocked my hands away.

With a shove, I stumbled to the front door. Barrett removed his pistol and pressed the cold, hard metal to my back. “Just so you don’t get any big ideas.”

Ragged breaths tore through me. I had a feeling that Barrett wouldn’t think twice about pulling the trigger. I suspected the only thing that would stop him were orders from above.

My bare feet landed on the sidewalk outside of the house. I squinted against the harsh sunlight and inhaled slowly. Fresh air. While in the pit, I wondered if I would ever see the light of day, smell freshly cut grass, or enjoy the bright colors of flowers again.

I took mental notes of the layout of the land. Several small homes were spread across the property. The landscape was flat, with only a few trees planted here and there. Toward the back of the acreage, a large, beautiful white home with black trim stood out like a sore thumb. Next to it were four huge outbuildings.

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