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Holden’s name escaped my parted lips as I imagined his arms around me—safe, sound, and warm. We were supposed to be in our new home together and making love on every surface possible. Afterward, he would have pressed gentle kisses against the side of my head. Instead, I’d ditched Zayne after I’d stared at the pregnancy test. In my state of panic, I’d left myself vulnerable, wide-open for the sharp prick of the needle to my neck, bag over my face, and the fight for my life. If I’d only known … but there was no reason to play the what-if game now. Eventually, someone would come for me, and I suspected that Logan was behind my kidnapping. He’d made it clear he would take me as payment in place of the money Dan, my piece of shit guardian, owed him. My guess was that Dan wasn’t just drinking and smoking pot, he was strung out on the meth Logan so readily supplied.

An unseen critter scampered across my back, and I shivered, my skin crawling. It was most likely a spider, but not for long. I laid down, wishing it a slow death for having the nerve to touch me.

Memories of the shitty trailer I’d grown up in taunted me. The place had also been cold and bug-infested. I swore I would never live that way again. And yet here I was, worse off than before.

Light seeped through the cracks above my head, and the floor creaked with footsteps. I bolted upright and waited, my pulse beating wildly against my wrists. Open the door. Open the fucking door. I rubbed my throat and willed it to work. I pried my lips apart, and only hoarse, quiet choking sounds came out.

Almost as quickly as the light peeked through, it disappeared, leaving me in complete darkness.

I sank to the unforgiving floor as my thoughts drifted to Holden again. He had to be out of his mind with worry. At least he suspected his father, Tim, and Logan, who had been business partners at one time. After Tim had put his disgusting paws on me and I’d dropped him to the floor, he’d been pissed at me. I couldn’t blame him. I’d made him look weak and stupid in front of his family. Once Holden, Brynn, and I had learned that Tim was an illegal weapons dealer, though, I realized he was capable of anything, including kidnapping me. Hopefully, there would be enough evidence for Holden to find me. But would it be soon enough?

A sharp pang stabbed me in the chest. Closing my eyes, I said, “I love you,” but there was no sound. A brutal reminder tapped me on the skull. Even if my voice had been working, there wasn’t anyone around to hear me. Whoever had been walking above had left.

Waves of nausea rolled in my belly. I scrambled across the small space and attempted to puke where I wouldn’t sit or lay in it later. I wished the morning sickness were an indication that it was actually morning. At least then it would help me mark time. At this point, I had no fucking idea if I’d been in this hole for an hour or a week. My guess was a few days from the number of times I’d squatted against the wall and peed. My aim sucked, and the warm liquid had streamed down my leg instead, marking me with the pungent stench of urine. I got better at it, eventually.

I’d lived in some messed up conditions, but this … this was quickly stripping me of my dignity and replacing it with the burn of shame. I was living like an animal. If I ever had the opportunity to shower, I suspected that tears of joy would run down my cheeks.

Fear settled in and wrapped her long fingers around my heart while she whispered that I wouldn’t ever see the light of day again. I would never touch Holden’s beautiful face, kiss his full lips, or tell him I loved him. I sucked in a lungful of air and clawed at the dirt, the grime caking under my fingernails. I’d come too far to lose now. Logan wouldn’t win. I fucking refused to let him. I’d rebuilt my life with Holden, Brynn, and the guys … even Catherine, Holden’s mom, and I had grown closer. I loved my job at the club—missed the people, the interaction, and the sense of belonging I had.

I squeezed my eyes closed and listened to the beat of my pulse thumping rhythmically in my ears. I was alive.

Images of my abduction flickered across my mind, and I shook my head. It didn’t make sense. The face of the monster that had attempted to drown me was someone I knew. I’d obviously been delirious from the drug that had been administered. I must have hallucinated because what I saw couldn’t have happened.

My left calf started to cramp, and I shot up off the ground. I stretched my arms in front of me and began to walk back and forth in the small space while I swore a blue streak at the obnoxious pain. I’d learned really fucking fast that I’d break a toe or my nose since I couldn’t see the walls. Once I’d figured out the layout, I’d counted steps in order to be able to move around without hurting myself. I barked out a laugh. I was naked, hungry, dirty, and freezing. I wasn’t sure breaking a fucking toe would be that big of a deal. But I had to try and take care of myself, take care of my baby.

I leaned into my anger and allowed it to build. It fueled my mind and provided energy, keeping me warm. Holden had taught me to love and trust. Brynn had taught me to laugh and live. But now … now I reached into the darkest part of my soul and fanned the flames of the fury toward Tim and Dan. It broke through the fear and the self-pity. It marked me as a different woman. In a short time, I was no longer the person who had kissed Holden and watched the furniture for our new home be delivered. Whatever stupid son of a bitch had thought taking me was a good idea … I swore that I would destroy them if it was the last thing I did. Anyone that had any sense understood not to mess with a mama and her baby. Come hell or high water, I would be with Holden again, and I would keep our child safe … unlike my mother.

The creak of a door opening reached my ears. I turned my head toward the sound and was blinded as a flood of light cut through the darkness. A combination of fear and hope sprung to life deep inside me. I rubbed my eyes and blinked rapidly, trying to clear the grit. I wasn’t sure when I’d fallen asleep since I’d been locked away in this damned hole unable to tell time.

My stomach growled as I shielded my vision and stood slowly. I was weak and probably dehydrated.

“You can come out,” a deep, husky voice said. As a ladder was lowered down, I gulped and hoped I had the strength to climb it.

I gripped the side, a sharp splinter immediately slicing the palm of my hand. Shaking it off, I placed my bare foot on the first rung and grabbed the sides. One shaky step at a time, my head finally peeked through the opening in the ceiling. I gasped as I scrambled to gather my wits and clear my muddled brain. It was daylight out, which meant I’d been in darkness for no less than twenty-four hours.

I crawled the rest of the way out of the hole, then sat down quickly, pulling my knees to my chest to shield my exposed body. My attention swept across the kitchen, and I mentally took notes. Every detail would be important to my freedom. A white refrigerator hummed in the corner next to an old farm sink. The white and blue linoleum floor was worn but clean. A man I didn’t recognize sat at the white table, only a few feet away from me. He took a bite of what appeared to be a roast beef and cheese sandwich, then followed it with a long drink of water. Maybe he would share with me. Not only was I starving, but the baby needed food as well.

“W-w-who are you?” I stammered, my throat raw as I spoke. I didn’t recognize the burly man in front of me. His red hair was sheared close to his head, and his beard was neatly trimmed. His biceps bulged against the navy, short-sleeved shirt that was tucked into the same color slacks. My focus landed on the gun holstered to his hip.

His dark, lusty gaze raked over my dirty, naked body. His mouth parted, and his coffee-stained tongue darted out over his bottom lip. I cringed but remained still. Antagonizing him didn’t seem like a good idea, at least for the moment.

“I’m Barrett. You’ll see a lot of me around here.”

I nodded. “Where is ‘here’?” My voice trembled.

“Training camp.” He bit into his food, the crunch of the fresh lettuce and the smacking sounds of his open-mouthed chewing breaking through the silence.

My forehead creased in confusion. “Training? I don’t understand.”

Barrett stood and wiped the crumbs from his lap. He strode to the refrigerator and opened it, revealing well-stocked shelves. Barrett reached inside, then produced a plastic bottle of water and a half of a sandwich. “I’m under orders to feed you. Then it’s shower time.”

Tears of relief stung my eyes—a shower. I gulped and stared at the drink. Surely, Barrett couldn’t be all bad if he allowed me to clean up and eat.

He closed the gap between us and squatted down. “Open your mouth.”

I parted my lips slightly, the chapped skin painfully tearing. My attention remained on him as I waited while he removed the cap on the bottle, filled it with water, then dumped the small amount down my throat. I swallowed, nearly groaning from the sweet taste.

“Open.” Barrett poured a bit more and fed me another two capfuls. He moved to recap it, and desperation rose quickly.

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