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I tore my gaze away, nausea bubbling up in my stomach. I walked to the edge of the room, witnessing a sick and depraved show.

How did I help them? How the hell did I free them from these twisted monsters?

“Holden!” I recognized the little boy’s voice. But where? I ran in the direction I hoped he was calling me from.

“Don’t let them take me, Holden!”

Fuck. “I’m here! I’m coming to help you!” My breathing became erratic as I searched and searched, unable to pinpoint where he was.

“Focus, Holden,” Jace’s soothing tone broke through my terror. “You’re almost there. Can you see the person who has River?”

I closed my eyes and allowed my intuition to drive my decisions. On a whim, I ran the way I came, back into the long hall. A light flickered to life, and the smell of fresh-cut grass and sweet roses tickled my nose. I needed to look for the bunkers underground. I hustled until I reached another white door. Swinging it open, I squinted against the sunlight. I held my hand against my brows, trying to adjust to the brightness.

“Hi!” The boy waved at me, sadness and fear twisting his little features.

I didn’t startle this time as I looked at my own face. “Are you okay?” I struggled to understand what was happening.

“I just wanted to tell you goodbye.” He hugged me, then grinned up at me. “You promised, Holden. You said they’d never rip us apart.” A sad expression settled over him. “But I understand. We’re just little kids.”

My heart ached as he backed away. A dark-haired figure approached us. “There you are,” a voice said before swooping the boy with my face into their arms. “Say goodbye now. This will be the last time you two ever see each other.”

I focused as they turned toward me, but the adult was faceless, and the clothes were blurred.

“Focus. You can do this,” Jace’s steady words came through again.

I closed my eyes in the other reality and took a deep, cleansing breath. My eyelids fluttered open and landed on a clear face. Disgust, rage, and desperation coursed through my veins. This couldn’t be right. Jesus. It couldn’t be. But there was no arguing about the person that stood in front of me.

I shot out of the water and wiped my cheeks. I glanced around the bathroom, attempting to gain my footing enough to realize where I was. My body shook as I stood and placed the palm of my hand against the shower wall. The hypnosis. The screams and agonizing cries … My brain spun faster and faster, then screeched to an abrupt halt. Fear and disgust speared my chest.

“Where’s my phone?” I gasped.

Wild-eyed, Jace looked around, then ran out of the bathroom. He returned seconds later and handed it to me.

With shaking hands, I pulled up my contacts.

“Let me help.” Jace took the cell out of my hand, and I lifted one leg at a time out of the bath.

I sank to the floor, my teeth chattering. “Call Pierce.”

“On it.” The line began to ring, and Jace put the call on speaker.

“Holden? Are you okay?” Pierce asked, his tone heavy with worry.

I shuddered and glanced up at my friend. “Pierce, I know who fucking took River.”

River’s fight continues as she learns who is behind her kidnapping and the depths of the evil she faces in this stunning conclusion of the Beautifully Damaged Series.

Beautifully Shattered

Beautifully Damaged Book Three

Chapter One

Acidic, bitter grains of dirt rolled over my tongue. I attempted to swallow, but my throat gave me a firm “fuck you.” I wasn’t sure how long I’d gone without water, but at this point, if I drank any, it would turn the grit in my mouth into mud.

My cheek pressed against the cold ground as tears burned down my face and melted into the soil. After nearly drowning, I’d woken up trapped in this hellhole. I’d frantically searched for a way out, clawed at my surroundings, and screamed for help until my voice was reduced to a scratchy whisper. I found nothing. I was alone. Underground, with no windows, dirt walls, and no light except an occasional sliver from above. My desperation and fear permeated the air around me. What had I done to end up here? I pushed off the hard dirt and sat up. A wave of fear crashed over me, and I rested my chin on my knees and cried.

Attempting to conserve energy, I curled my naked body into a ball, hoping for a bit of warmth. Instead, I was met with my cool, clammy skin. A shudder traveled through me. “Mind over matter,” I said softly. I sniffled and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. Crying wouldn’t accomplish anything. I needed a plan of action for when the door finally opened. If it opens at all. I swatted the dark thought away as though it were a wasp, waiting to sting me at the right moment.

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