Page 55 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“There isn’t a minister on our damned scorecard!” she practically shrieked.

“Grace!” the minister exclaimed, clearly shocked.

She shut her eyes. “I’m... I’m sorry.” Peeking at Luc, she said, “Did I ever mention that my father is a Methodist minister?”

“No,” he replied dryly. “I don’t believe you did. Let me guess. This is him, right?”


“I should warn you, if you aren’t married, there will be dire repercussions,” Ms. Caruthers announced.

“May we turn around now?” Reverend Barnes requested.

“Sure. Why not,” Luc agreed. He glanced at Grace. “Your sweater’s on backward.”

She folded her arms across her chest. “It’s a new fashion statement. It’s called ‘caught in the act.’”

“You two,” Ms. Caruthers informed them, “are in deep trouble. I can guarantee there will be serious consequences if we discover you’ve been lying to us. Now are you, or are you not, married?”

Luc sighed, then forced a smile to his lips. “Now, Ms. Caruthers,” he began.

The social worker stumbled backward. “Get away from me, you... You... devil!” She looked at Grace. “This is what happened to Ms. Carstairs, isn’t it? We knew something was wrong when she let her hair down and started to wear makeup.”

Grace touched her own loose curls self-consciously. “Yes, he seems to have that effect on women.”

Ms. Caruthers drew herself up. “Well, not me! He’s not going to use his charms on me.” She peered at Luc hopefully. “You weren’t going to try your charms, were you?”

Reluctantly, Luc shook his head. “No. I guess not. I believe my charming days are over.”

The social worker struggled to hide her disappointment. “We’ll see what Mrs. Cuthbert has to say about all this. She’s my superior. And I guarantee she won’t be pleased!” Spinning around, she scurried from the room. A minute later, the front door slammed.

With deep dread, Grace glanced at her father. “I bet you’re wondering what’s going on.”

“I think what’s going on here is painfully obvious,” Reverend Barnes said, with more than a touch of irony.

“Yes, I guess it is.” Grace could feel the bright color returning to her cheeks and she scrambled for something innocuous to say. Something to help ease them into the coming conversation. Or confrontation. “Gee, Dad. Your being here sure is a surprise.”

“For both of us. I did try and call.”

She stirred uncomfortably. “We kept missing each other.”

“Yes, we did. Now I see why.” He glanced around the room and Grace knew he’d misinterpreted the reason her possessions were so liberally scattered about. “You haven’t been at your apartment recently, have you?”

“No,” she replied, deciding a lengthy explanation wouldn’t help the situation any. “How did you know I was here?”

“When I couldn’t reach you at home, I stopped by your office and met a very helpful security guard. Once I convinced him I was your father, he gave me this address.”

“Edward,” Grace said with a sigh.

“I believe that was his name. Now. I think introductions are in order, don’t you?” He looked pointedly at Luc, who stepped forward.

“Luc Salvatore, Reverend Barnes,” he said, holding out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Under other circumstances, I might agree with you,” the minister replied, shaking hands.

“I’m sorry about that,” Luc said, though his gaze remained direct and unrepentant. “If the door had been shut properly, we would have all been saved some embarrassment.”

Reverend Barnes chose not to comment. “You’re Grace’s employer, aren’t you?” he asked instead.

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