Page 54 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“I mean, what do you want?”

He chuckled, the sound low and intimate. “You know what I want.”

“No. I mean, why did you call my name?”

He pulled back slightly. “I told you. I didn’t.”


They both stiffened, staring at each other in dawning horror. “Get off me, quick!” she whispered urgently, shoving at his chest.

Luc didn’t move. “What—”

“Grace!” An appalled masculine voice spoke from the doorway to the living room.

“Oh, hell!” And that’s definitely where she was headed. No longer trying to escape, she buried her head in Luc’s chest, attempting to disappear behind his broad shoulders.

Luc glanced down at her, then over his shoulder at the man and woman hovering just inside the living room. “Who the hell are you?” he demanded. “And what are you doing in my apartment?”

“Dear Lord!” The man continued to stare in shock. “I’m Reverend—”

“I’m Ms. Caruthers with child protective services,” the woman interrupted, pushing past the reverend and stepping boldly forward. She brandished her clipboard like a sword. “I’m your case manager.”

“No. You’re not,” Luc contradicted. “Ms. Carstairs is our case manager.”

“Not anymore. I’ve taken over. Her report was so strange. Closets and laundry baskets and elopements and so forth—”

“Elopements?” the minister cut in. “Did you say elopements?”

Ms. Caruthers nodded emphatically. “Elopements. Poor Ms. Carstairs has made such a muddle of everything, they’ve taken her off the case.” She pointed an accusing finger in Luc’s direction. “And it’s all your fault.”

Luc glanced first at Grace, then back at the intruders. “Turn around,” he snapped. “And no peeking.”

Hesitantly, they complied. Luc yanked Grace to her feet and scooped a handful of clothes off the carpet, tossing a pair of slacks in her direction and pulled on his shirt. Not wasting a single second, she thrust her foot into the pant legs.

“You want to tell me how you got in here?” Luc demanded.

“The door was open,” the reverend replied in an apologetic voice. His head swiveled toward the clothes-strewn lamp and quickly jerked away again. “Would you mind telling me what elopement this woman is talking about? And what baby?”

Grace grabbed Luc’s arm, as if to physically restrain him. “Don’t say it,” she whimpered.

To no avail.

“My elopement,” Luc announced, snagging her bra off the lampshade and tossing it to her, helping her hook it. “And Grace’s elopement.”

“You’re married?” the reverend gasped, spinning around. His eyes practically popped out of his head and he whirled away again. “Oh, good heavens.”

“Yes, we’re married,” Luc confirmed.

“No, no!” Grace denied, dressing with a speed she’d never before attempted. “You don’t understand. Just give me a minute to explain!”

Ms. Caruthers began scribbling madly and, in the distance, Toni, fed up with being neglected, began to cry. Grace gave serious consideration to crying, as well.

The minister stiffened, his head cocked in the direction of the telltale wail. “You have a baby?” he whispered in disbelief.

“No!” Grace shouted.

“Maybe!” Luc shouted louder. “It depends on who you are.” He looked at Grace. “Where’s D’Angelo’s scorecard? I’m getting confused. Which story do we tell the minister?”

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