Page 56 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“Yes, she’s been with me for almost a year.”

“And is she also your wife?”

Luc shook his head. “No. Not yet.”

“You’re certain? There seemed to be some doubt a few minutes ago.”

“I’m positive.”

“We’re not married, Dad,” Grace informed him quietly, though Luc’s use of the word “yet” had thrown her. He couldn’t possibly mean what she thought, could he?

Her father glanced at her, a concerned frown lining his brow. “Considering what was going on here a few minutes ago, I’m not sure whether to be relieved or dismayed. What about the baby? Whose is it?”

“Toni is my niece,” Luc said. “Grace is staying with me to help with babysitting duties. And for the record, our relationship has been regrettably innocent until today.”

“Thank heavens,” Reverend Barnes murmured, his relief palpable.

Before Grace could manage to insert a single word, Luc added, “You should also know that we applied for a marriage license last week.”

Grace closed her eyes and groaned.

Reverend Barnes glanced from one to the other. “You’re engaged?”

Grace glared at Luc, who merely smiled. Oh, he was clever, all right. He’d phrased his announcement very carefully and in such a way that she couldn’t very well deny an engagement, much as she’d like to. What did she say now? That he hadn’t actually proposed? That to the best of her recollection their engagement had come about through barked orders, demands, and a certain amount of coercion? That she’d only agreed to marry Luc if push came to shove?

If push came to shove? This wasn’t a shove. It ranked more like a bulldozing.

“Yes,” she muttered with ill-concealed resentment, “I agreed to marry him.”

Her father’s eyes narrowed. She knew that look. Many a wayward parishioner had seen it right before they’d broken down and confessed all their sins. “I’m beginning to realize there’s a lot about this situation I don’t know,” he said. “Nor am I sure I want to know. In fact, I’m positive I don’t.”

He studied the two of them for a brief instant, and Grace didn’t doubt he could read guilt in both their faces. At least, he’d be able to read her guilt. Luc managed to look slightly more enigmatic. “I’d like to make a suggestion if I may,” Reverend Barnes announced in a determined voice.

“You want me to make an honest women out of her, is that it?” Luc guessed.

“Yes, I do. Assuming you love my daughter.” He clasped his hands together, the gesture betraying a certain level of nervousness. “Well, do you?”

After a brief hesitation, Luc nodded. “Yes, I love her.”

Satisfied, Reverend Barnes relaxed and turned to Grace, his gaze less severe. “I know you’re ready, willing, and able to marry this man. You wouldn’t have allowed matters to progress so far, if you weren’t in love with him. Am I right?”

What could she say to that? “Yes, Dad,” she whispered.

“Then, it’s settled. I suggest you two marry, and marry now. After what I just witnessed, I don’t think that will be any too soon. I suspect it may actually be somewhat too late.”

Luc didn’t even try to hide his satisfaction. And Grace knew why he looked so pleased. By marrying quickly, they had a chance of keeping Toni. “You’ll marry us right away?” he asked.

“If you have the license, I have the authority. All you need is a witness.” He looked at Grace. “A dress wouldn’t go amiss, either.”

“A white dress,” Luc stated. “The one you have hanging in the back of the closet should do.”

“Luc, may I speak with you in the bedroom, please?” she requested through gritted teeth. “Dad, if you’ll excuse us? I think we need to talk this over before leaping to any hasty decisions.”

Her father nodded and Grace caught hold of Luc’s hand, tugging him toward his bedroom. The door had barely closed behind them before her hurt and anger spilled out. “How dare you lie to my father! And how dare you agree to marry me?”

“What the hell was I supposed to say? Tell him no, I don’t want to marry his innocent, little girl, I just want to make mad, passionate love to her?”

“At least that would have been honest!”

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