Page 89 of Paved in Blood

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Her shaky fingers cup my face as she kisses me so damn sweetly. We both get lost in one another, and I never want it to end. By the time I pull back, we’re both gasping and covered in sweat, and when I see the loopy grin she’s giving me, I can’t help but laugh and kiss her cute nose. My fingers are still in her ass, my cock semi-hard and buried inside her, and I could happily spend the rest of my life like this.

“Wow,” she whispers, making me laugh again.

“We’re not done yet, baby.”

“I don’t think I can move.”

I smile and kiss her swollen lips. “You don’t need to. You just need to take what I give you.”

She gives a soft moan at my words, and when I slide out of her and sit back, all I can do is stare at the picture before me. My wife is splayed out, used, swollen, dripping my seed, and when I meet her brown eyes, all I see is love and a hunger for more. That look is enough to have any man dropping to his knees. I don’t think women have the faintest idea of the power they hold over us. Emily has me wrapped around her finger. I would do absolutely anything for her. Anything and everything.

“Turn around, solnishka.”

Her lips curl up in a smile before she rolls over and gets on her hands and knees, presenting me the ass that I’m about to fuck. I’m already fully hard again when my eyes run over her—the dip in her lower spine, the white lace against her skin, and the tight hole I’m about to fuck. Reaching over, I grab the bottle of lube from the nightstand that I bought just for this occasion and pour a generous amount on my cock. Rubbing it all over myself, I also pour some directly on her so it covers her tight hole. I want this to be as painless for her as possible. I want her to enjoy this, because I sure as fuck plan on doing a lot of it.

Gripping her hips, I press the head of my cock against her and slowly start to slide in. “Just relax, baby,” I say, watching her open up for me. “You’re taking my cock so good.”

She moans and fists the blanket, letting out a deep breath when I feed her another inch. The view alone is enough to make me come, but no way in hell am I rushing this.

“Such a good fucking girl,” I growl when I’m balls deep inside her. Keeping my hands on her hips, I hold her in place, savoring the feel of her tight ass clamped down on me. “Play with your pussy, solnishka. Let me hear how much you like me fucking your sweet ass.”

With a moan, she brings one hand between her legs, and as soon as I hear wet fingers working her clit, I slowly start to fuck her. I lose myself in the feel of her and in the sight of her on her hands and knees before me, willingly taking everything I’m giving her. She loses herself in the moment, throwing her head back with a throaty gasp while her hand speeds up, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. I watch in absolute awe of my wife. So effortlessly sexy and so completely unaware of it.

When she throws back her head again while screaming my name, long dark strands of hair caressing her back as her body tenses and tightens around me, I let go with her, growling her name and shuddering with my release. By the time I come back to my senses, my ears are ringing and every part of me feels completely at peace. It’s a feeling I’ve only ever experienced with her.

I lean forward and kiss the nape of her neck before slowly sliding out of her. Before she can collapse onto the bed, I scoop her into my arms and carry her to the bath. I never thought I’d be an aftercare person, but it’s quickly become one of my favorite things. I love taking care of her. We settle into the hot water, and she rests against me while I massage her sore muscles and wash her clean.

Later we find a tray of food outside our door, and we eat it in bed while we drink champagne. We spend the next three days barely leaving the bedroom. With everything that’s going on, we aren’t able to take a honeymoon, but I wanted some time alone with her, and my brothers make sure we have it.

On the morning of the fourth day, Emily rolls over and says, “We’re going to have to tell my parents.”

I smile at her and run my finger over the bruise on her cheek that’s almost faded away. “I know. Text them and tell them we’re coming for supper.”

She groans and grabs her phone. “They’re not going to be happy about this.”

“Fuck ‘em,” I say, making her smile. “We’re married, and there’s not a goddamn thing they can do about it. Plus, you have to admit, the look on your mom’s face is going to be priceless.”

“God, can she look any more pinched? She already looks like she’s walking around with a fist up her ass.”

I laugh at the image, but then her mouth drops open when she starts scrolling through her texts. “Oh my god,” she whispers.

We’ve been ignoring our phones, and it suddenly occurs to me what she’s reading. I’d completely forgotten about Connor after Lev and I walked away from his dead body, but I’m guessing Emily’s parents have been texting her about it. She looks up at me, and when I give her an I’m sorry grin, her brows lift in surprise.

“Seriously? You killed Connor on the day of our wedding?”

“Technically, yes, but it was hours and hours before we actually got married.”

“My mom said he was found in a rough part of town and that they think someone must’ve lured him there and then killed him for money.”

I laugh at the absurdity of that scenario. “Please, he was there because he had a woman he liked to fuck in one of those rundown apartments, and after I killed him, I saw her staring at me.”

“Oh my god,” Emily whispers, and I arch a brow at her.

“You know me better than that, little sun. She didn’t hurt you, so I didn’t hurt her. Connor had beat the shit out of her, though, so Lev and I gave her a ton of cash and told her to get the fuck out and start a new life somewhere else. She was more than happy to be rid of that bastard.”

Emily thinks for a second. “I can’t even muster up any sympathy. Does that make me a horrible person? I’ve known him for years. I should at least feel kind of sad.”

“No, you shouldn’t. He was a dick. Why pretend otherwise just because he’s dead?”
