Page 90 of Paved in Blood

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“I think I might be turning into you.”

“God help us,” I say with a laugh and give her another kiss before heading for the shower while she texts her mom to let her know about supper. She joins me a few minutes later, and, like usual, the shower turns into me pinning her against the wall and fucking her until she’s screaming my name into the steam.

“God, I love being married to you,” I tell her, giving her ass a soft smack before she grabs us a couple of towels.

She laughs and gives me the smile that lights up her whole face. “I love being married to you too.”

“Oh my god, they live,” Vitaly says when we walk into the kitchen after getting dressed. “I was worried there for a second.” He gives Emily a big grin. “I was afraid you might have killed him.”

Emily blushes and ducks her head to get a bottle of water, but I can see the smile on her face. She has worn me out, there’s no denying that, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.

“We’re going to her parents,” I tell my brothers. “They’re going to be so thrilled to learn they have a son-in-law.”

Danil laughs. “Yeah, about as happy as her dad probably was when he learned about all the men we killed.”

“I had David’s permission for that,” I remind him. “He can’t say shit about it.”

Lev tosses me the concealer I asked him to pick up for me earlier, and when I grab Emily’s wrist, she looks up at me, wondering what I’m doing.

“We need to cover your tattoo, baby. Can’t have your dad finding out that you’re my little pet.”

I rub the tattoo coverup on her inner wrist, erasing my name from view. When it’s completely hidden, I kiss her palm and let go. She holds up her wrist to inspect it.

“Damn, it really does hide it. I kind of miss it.”

I give her a wink and grab her hand. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Have fun,” Vitaly says while Matvey gives a wave goodbye from the couch.

I can feel Emily growing more nervous with each passing minute. By the time I pull up in front of her parents’ house, she’s fidgeting and squirming in her seat, and not the good kind of squirming.

“Look at me,” I say, before opening my door. She turns in her seat and looks at me. I cup her cheek and lean closer, keeping my eyes locked on hers. “You’re my wife now, baby. You’re mine. That means they can never fucking touch you again. You don’t have to be alone with them. Hell, after tonight, you never have to see them again if you don’t want to. I will take care of you and protect you. They can never hurt you again.”

She nods and leans closer, resting her forehead against mine. “I love you so much,” she whispers against my lips.

“I love you too, little sun.” I give her a wink. “Time to meet the in-laws.”

Her smile comes easier this time, and when I walk around to open the door for her, I can tell she’s feeling more confident about this. She never needs to worry about another thing again. In time, she’ll realize that. We walk up the manicured pathway, and I squeeze her hand and give it a kiss while I use the ridiculous brass door knocker.

Angela opens the door with a big grin that looks just as fake as usual. Her smile falters when she meets my eyes, and I can tell she was hoping that I would’ve moved on by now. I doubt she remembers every detail of the night she threw herself at me, but there’s enough recall to make her uncomfortable.

She gives Emily a stiff hug and motions for us to follow her. “Can you believe what happened to Connor?” she says over her shoulder, stopping to run a finger along a small table in the corner to check for dust.

She rubs her forefinger and thumb together as Emily shoots me a look, and then says, “I know. Crazy, right?”

“What’s crazy?” Chris asks, coming out to join us.

“Connor’s murder,” Angela says while I hold my hand out to shake Chris’s.

Chris eyes me, lifting a brow when he says, “Yeah, I don’t know who would’ve been stupid enough to kill a congressman’s son.”

I shrug and let go of his hand. “Sounds like it was just a wrong place at the wrong time kind of thing. I wonder what he was doing there anyway. Isn’t that kind of an odd place for him to hang out?”

Angela waves her hand like it’s all just a misunderstanding. “He was obviously lured there for some reason and then killed for his money. It’s tragic.”

Before I can comment on the tragic, untimely death of douchebag Connor, Angela lets out a gasp and grabs Emily’s hand. Her eyes narrow when she hisses, “What the hell is this?”

“Surprise,” I say with a smile, wrapping my arm around Emily and pulling her against me and out of her mother’s way. “We’re married.”
