Page 88 of Paved in Blood

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“What the—” I start to say, but the words are cut off by the sensation of his tongue on the one place I was very confident would never be licked. He twirls his tongue along all the nerve endings I’ve been completely ignorant of my entire life, and I feel something awaken inside me. It feels wrong, but in a good way, and I want more. When I rock my hips, trying to press harder against him, wanting and needing more, he gives me one more lick and then gently smacks my ass.

“Perfect, like I said.” He laughs when I keep rocking my hips, too drunk on lust to stop. “I think my wife wants her ass fucked,” he murmurs against my hip before he gives me a soft bite. “And I’m more than happy to give you what you want, solnishka, but first I’m taking your sweet pussy.”

Chapter 15


Seeing my wife bent over the bed, rocking her hips like a wild woman in nothing but thigh highs and a garter belt is the best fucking thing I’ve seen in my life. Her small hands are still fisting the blanket, crushed rose petals surround her because she can’t keep still, and my name on her lips as she begs me for more.


I keep her where she’s at because I like the view and slowly remove my tux. My wedding ring feels strange on my finger, but there’s no denying the thrill that runs through me every time I see it, especially when it’s against her skin, like when I’m smacking her perfect, round ass.

“Roman,” she whimpers again, making me smile as I unbutton my dress shirt.

“Yes, baby?”

She starts to lift up, but stops when I say, “Don’t you dare move, little sun.”

Her body immediately sinks back to the bed, because my girl gets off on pleasing me, and fuck do I love that.

“Good girl,” I say, smiling when she lets out a soft moan at my words and gives another rock of her hips.

I finish stripping and step closer. Running my hands up her hips, I find the zipper on her dress and slowly free her from it. The dress is gorgeous on her, but I don’t want anything between us. The thigh highs and garter belt can stay, though. I really like those. Running my hands down her bare back, I grip her hips and then flip her over, groaning at the sight of her bouncing tits and hard, rosy-red nipples that are just begging to be sucked.

Unable to resist, I lower my head and wrap my lips around one perky tit, sucking her in and filling my mouth like the glutton I am. Her fingers run through my hair as her legs wrap around me and she moans my name. I let the head of my cock run over her clit while I tongue her nipple and pinch her other one between my fingers hard enough to make her back arch off the bed.

God, she’s a work of art. Everything about her is my idea of perfection, and I don’t know how in the fuck I got so lucky to have her as my wife. I give her one more suck, running my tongue over her nipple before giving her a soft bite. Letting her go, I kiss my way up her chest, admiring the diamond necklace against her skin along the way until my mouth is nibbling up her neck and then finally capturing her sweet lips against mine.

Her fingers fist my hair as she opens her mouth for me and latches onto my tongue, wanting to taste her pussy on me. Her heels dig into my ass, urging me to slide into her, and when I press my head against her slit, she whimpers out a “Please,” before biting my lower lip and sending a mix of pleasure and pain through every cell in my body.

The last of my willpower leaves me as I slam into her, filling her and spreading her wide in one hard thrust that pulls a scream from her greedy body. Her nails dig into my back from the shock of it, but her hips never stop moving. It hurts, but she wants more. Without giving her time to adjust, I pull out and slam back into her, fucking her in a hard, fast rhythm that has her clinging to me and letting out sexy whimpers and moans that fill the air around us.

When I grab the back of her thigh, and pull her leg up, pressing it against her so I can go deeper, her eyes roll back in her head and she mutters something incoherent. I’m right there with her, growling in Russian because English took a backseat the second I slid into her tight cunt. When she starts to come, it’s with my name on her lips. Her whole body tenses, and the feel of her pussy clenching around me and then the hot wet release on my cock is enough to drive the sanest man crazy. I clench my jaw, refusing to give in as I fuck her through her pleasure.

Her whole body is trembling by the time I slow down. Letting her thigh drop, I slide my hand between us, dragging a finger along where we’re connected, soaking my skin before I snake it around to her ass.

It takes a second for her sex-drunk brain to realize what I’m doing, but when she feels the tip of my finger against her asshole, her eyes fly open.

“Easy, baby,” I whisper against her lips, pressing the pad of my finger against her tight hole. “I promise you’ll love it.”

She nods, but her body is still too tense. I slowly drag the wet tip of my finger along her nerve endings, smiling when she lets out a soft gasp.

“That’s right, solnishka. Just relax and let me in.”

I press harder, circling the pad of my finger along her puckered hole. I keep doing it until she’s breathing heavily and completely relaxed. With my cock still buried inside her, I slowly press the tip of my finger in.

“Good girl, baby,” I praise when she lets me in. “Let me feel how tight this little ass is.”

She moans at my words as her pussy clenches around me, stealing my breath right from my lungs. With a growl, I slowly slide my finger into her virgin ass until I’m fully inside her and we’re both breathless.

“Goddamn,” I groan, giving her a few hard thrusts of my cock because I’m about at the end of my fucking rope. With my finger in her ass and her pussy wrapped around me, I know I’m fighting a losing battle.

“I’m going to fill your sweet pussy, solnishka, and then I’m going to fill your ass. You’re going to be stuffed and overflowing with my seed, and you’re going to take it all like a good girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she says in a breathy rush. “Please give it to me.”

“Fuck,” I growl, fingering her ass while I slam into her. Her body loosens for me, but she’s still so fucking tight, too fucking tight for what I plan to give her. Rocking her hips up even more, I slowly slide in a second finger, and it sends her over the edge. She comes hard, gripping me so tightly that I have no choice but to give in. I let her pussy pull the cum from my body, reveling in the pure bliss that consumes me.
