Page 87 of Paved in Blood

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“And your heart is racing.”

“That’s because my husband is so sexy,” I say, sucking in another breath when his fingers dip lower and he grazes my nipple.

He leans closer so our lips are almost touching. “My wife is the sexy one.”

Knowing I’m about to laugh at what he just said, he presses his lips to mine, stopping me before I can insult myself. His hand leaves my dress and cups the back of my head, fisting my hair and holding me in a tight grip while he steals my breath with his kiss. He kisses me for minutes, hours, days, it feels like an eternity, but when he pulls back, it’s over far too soon, and I grip his neck, wanting to pull him back down to me so I can get lost in his lips again.

He gives a soft laugh at how far gone I already am and then kneels before me. “All I can think about is what you’re wearing under this, baby.” His hands run up my calves. “As soon as I saw it at the store, I knew it was perfect.”

I run my hands through his hair as his hands run up my thighs.

“Lift your dress, solnishka. Show me what’s mine.”

Grabbing my dress, I slowly slide it up, revealing myself to him inch by inch, and by the time he sees the straps of my garter belt, he’s breathing heavier and his pupils are blown. I’ve never had much in the body confidence department, but Roman makes me feel like the sexiest woman alive.

“Fucking hell,” he groans, when the dress is high enough for him to see everything. His fingers run along the tops of my thigh highs, dipping under the ribbons that connect them to the garter belt and then finally along the seam of my soaked thong. “You’re so beautiful, solnishka. The sexiest little present all wrapped up for me.”

I keep the dress bunched up and pressed against me so I can see his face. He grabs my ass, digging his fingers into my bare cheeks as he brings his face closer. Pressing his nose against the white lace of my thong, he inhales deeply and lets out a sexy, masculine groan at my scent.

“God, baby, the things I’m going to do to you tonight,” he murmurs against my pussy. “I’m going to remind you again and again who you belong to, who owns this body, and who you’ll always belong to.”

“I already know the answer to all those questions.”

He smiles and gives me a wink. “I’m still going to remind you every day for the rest of our lives.”

I watch as he runs his tongue up my lace-covered slit.

“I can taste you through your panties, solnishka. Your little cunt is sloppy wet for me, isn’t it, wife?”

“Yes,” I moan when he presses a firm kiss against my clit.

His fingers dance along my ass, teasing me with featherlight touches as he kisses me again. Digging his fingers into my ass, he looks up at me and says, “Bend over the bed, baby. Show me that perfect ass.”

Perfect is not a word I would ever use to describe my ass, but I can’t deny him when he’s looking up at me with that excited glint in his gorgeous eyes. Keeping my dress bunched up, I walk to the bed and lay my upper body against it. With the lace thong, I’m pretty much on full display. The rose petals are soft against my face and the sweet smell surrounds me as I hold myself still, letting my husband look at me as long as he wants. It’s not easy. The urge to wiggle or pull my dress down is strong, but it’s not like he hasn’t seen every inch of me already, I reason with myself, and he sure doesn’t act like he hates what he’s seen.

As if reading my mind, he steps closer and runs his fingers over the curve of my ass before giving it a soft smack. “You are absolute perfection, solnishka.”

I grip the bedding when he slides his thigh between my legs, gently nudging me further apart.

“Good girl,” he praises when I move my feet and take a much wider stance.

Stepping back again, he cups my pussy from behind in a possessive grip that makes my knees weak. With a groan, he tightens his grip and smacks my ass hard enough to make me yelp.

“Jesus Christ,” he growls. “The way your ass bounces, goddamn.”

He gives me one more hard spank on the other cheek before sliding a finger under the lace. His finger brushes my bare pussy for one mouthwatering second before he jerks back hard, ripping the thong from my body so I’m left in just the garter belt and thigh highs.

I fist the bedding tighter when I hear him lower down as he grabs my ass and spreads me wide. My face flames to life, and when I start to squirm, his fingers dig in harder, holding me in place.

“Every part of you is mine, solnishka, and every part of you is so fucking beautiful. Don’t deny me the pleasure of looking at my sexy wife.”

Keeping his fingers on my ass, he drags his thumbs over my pussy lips, parting them gently so he can see me better.

“So wet, baby, so eager to be fucked.”

“Yes,” I whisper, arching my ass even more when he spreads me wider, making me feel the ache of how badly I want him to fill me. When he leans closer and I feel his tongue run along my parted slit, I moan his name and rock against him, no longer caring about anything except how badly I need him.

He growls something in Russian before he slides his tongue into me. Each stroke fans the flames and soon I’m grinding mercilessly against his face, moaning his name and fisting the blanket in a white-knuckled grip. When the orgasm hits, it hits hard. I scream his name as my thighs shake and pleasure consumes every part of me. His fingers grip me hard enough to hurt, but all it does is intensify the ecstasy. He licks and kisses me, savoring every second of my release. Giving my clit one last soft suck, he runs his tongue down my slit, and right when I expect him to stop, he keeps going. Spreading my cheeks wide, he licks a line all the way to my asshole.
