Page 84 of Paved in Blood

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Sitting on the edge of the bed, naked and still in shock, I look around at my new life, and I decide one thing very quickly. I may not be the supermodel one would expect on a man like Roman’s arm, but I love him. I love him more than anyone else ever could, and I will love him and be faithful to him for the rest of my life. I will not let my self-doubts steal a moment of my happiness. He loves me, he wants me, and he reminds me of that every second we’re together. I’d be a damn fool to not appreciate that.

Taking a deep breath, I make the choice to embrace all the good as I tell all the negativity and worries to back the fuck off. This is our day, and we’re going to celebrate it. Before I get started, I hurry up and blow-dry my hair, and then I grab the garter belt with the built-in thong and get to work. After I’ve figured out the complicated lingerie, I step into the dress, silently praying to whoever is listening to please let it fit. I zip it up with a sigh of relief. It fits like a glove, like it was made just for me. Running my hands over the soft fabric, I smile and grab the veil before stepping in front of the full-length mirror in the closet.

“Wow,” I whisper, staring at my reflection. I never really thought I’d be a bride, and now I’m minutes away from getting married. The dress is beautiful, and when I slip the veil on, it completes the picture. I look like I just stepped out of a fairytale. With shaky hands, I put the necklace on, running my fingers over the white and yellow diamonds.

“Do not cry,” I whisper into the empty closet. “Do not fucking cry.”

The only thing missing from the bags was a pair of shoes, but, miraculously, the dress is the perfect length, and I really don’t want to wear the horribly uncomfortable heels I got for the Red Viper, so barefoot it is. I give a small twirl in the mirror, making sure everything looks perfect, and then I go to find my fiancé.

When I open the door, I’m surprised to find Danil waiting for me. He’s in a black suit, carrying a beautiful bouquet of white roses and yellow tulips. They look like little suns in the middle of all that white, and again I’m touched by all the thought Roman has put into this.

“You look beautiful, Emily,” Danil says, handing me the bouquet and bending down to kiss my cheek. “We’re all thrilled you’re joining the family.”


He smiles down at me and holds his arm out for me to take. “I’ve never seen Roman so happy, and I’ve known him since we were in diapers.”

I smile at the image.

“He’s lucky to have you.” He squeezes my hand when he sees that I’m about to start crying again. “No more tears. Today, we’re celebrating. Come on, your fiancé is pacing a hole in our nice wood floors.”

I laugh and nod my head, letting him lead me down the hall. When we step into the large living room, my eyes widen at the sight that awaits me. The room is filled with flowers, the same as my bouquet, and all the Melnikov brothers are dressed in their finest, even Matvey has traded in his hoodie for the occasion. It looks like a modeling convention just landed in our penthouse. They all smile at me and walk over to give me a hug. I search around for Roman, but I don’t see him anywhere.

“We told him to wait,” Vitaly explains when he sees me looking around. “We wanted to see you first.” He gives me a wicked smile and pulls me in for a hug. “Last chance to choose a different brother, Emily.”

I laugh and return his hug. “Sorry. I kind of have my heart set on Roman.”

He pulls back and puts his hand on his chest. “You’re breaking my heart,” he says with a big smile, because we all know he’s teasing.

“She’s out there, isn’t she?” Roman yells from the hall.

Lev rolls his eyes. “We promised him we’d let him know as soon as you walked out,” he says, pulling me in for a hug. “Welcome to the family, little sis.”

Matvey smiles at me before going to get Roman. When he turns, I catch sight of tattooed flames peeking out from the back of his suit and curling up the base of his neck. The three brothers around me quickly form a line, blocking me completely from view.

“Oh, come on,” Roman complains as soon as he steps in the room. I try to peek, but there’s no seeing through the wall of muscle before me.

“You know the rules,” Vitaly says. “Go stand on the veranda by the officiant. We’ll meet you there.”

Roman tells them something in Russian that has Lev shaking his head. “You gonna kiss your bride with that mouth?”

The response must be even worse because they all laugh even harder. They wait until Roman’s in place before leading me to the open French doors.

“Ready?” Danil asks, looking back at me.

I smile and nod. I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life. When they step aside, and I catch sight of Roman for the first time, my breath catches in my throat. He’s in a black tux, looking so goddamn sexy it makes my chest ache, and the smile he gives me has tears pricking the corners of my eyes. He holds my gaze as his brothers lead me down the aisle to stand in front of him.

Roman grabs my hands and pulls me closer, looking down at me with so much love, like I’m the most important thing in the world to him. I return it, feeling everything he’s feeling, as his brothers get into a position that they must’ve worked out beforehand. Lev and Danil are beside me while Matvey and Vitaly stand near Roman. That small gesture makes me love all of them so much, this new family I’ve just found myself lucky enough to join. They didn’t want me to feel alone, so they’ve surrounded me and included me.

I barely notice the man who has us recite our vows. I’m too busy staring at the man I’m marrying. His green eyes never leave mine, and when I say, “I do,” he gives me the sweetest smile followed by the sexiest wink, and it’s enough to make my knees feel wobbly. With our wedding bands on, we’re pronounced man and wife, and as his brothers cheer, Roman cups my face and kisses me until I can barely breathe.

“I love you so much, solnishka.” He brushes his thumb along my cheek, still keeping his lips barely touching mine. “My wife.”

“I love you too.” I smile and place my hands over his. “My husband.”

He laughs and picks me up, swinging me around until I’m laughing so hard I can barely breathe.

“You’ve made me happier than I ever thought possible, baby,” he whispers in my ear. “I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to do the same for you.”
