Page 83 of Paved in Blood

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Cupping his face, I bring my mouth to his, kissing him like I haven’t seen him in days. I will never get tired of kissing Roman. He has the ability to make everything stand still. Nothing else can exist when his lips are touching me. He groans and grips my ass tighter, running his tongue along mine until I’m dizzy with need.

“Where have you been?” I ask in between kisses.

He smiles and gives my bottom lip a soft suck. “I had some stuff to do.” He eyes the bruise I’d tried to cover, and the pain in his eyes has me leaning closer to kiss him again.

“I’m fine,” I tell him. “Doesn’t even hurt today.”

He lifts a brow at me, letting me know that he knows I’m full of shit. It does ache, but not that badly, not enough for him to worry. He gives my cheek the softest kiss and then sets me down and eyes the towel I’m still wearing and the one wrapped around my head. He smiles even bigger and gives me a wink. “Perfect.”

Before I can ask what he means, he drops down in front of me, kneeling on one knee and grabbing my hand.

“What are you doing?”

He kisses my hand. “I’m proposing, solnishka.”

He told me last night he was going to propose for real, but I didn’t think he was really going to. I mean, I’m fine with the proposal I already got. It was perfect. It was better than perfect.

“Roman, you don’t have to,” I start to say, but he cuts me off.

“I want to, baby. You deserve a real proposal, and you’re going to get one.” He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small, velvet box.

I let out a soft gasp when he opens it and I see the large, yellow diamond sitting inside. “Oh my god,” I whisper.

“It made me think of you, little sun.”

Tears threaten to spill over at the thought he’s put into this. He didn’t just buy me a random ring. This tough Bratva boss actually went shopping and chose one that looks like a sun surrounded by diamonds.

“It’s perfect,” I whisper in a shaky voice.

“Just like you,” he says, giving me a wink. “I love you with every part of myself, baby, and I always will. Ever since the first night I saw you, it’s been you or nothing.” He lets out a soft laugh. “I should probably apologize for that. I can’t love you like a normal man would. I can’t be a normal husband and give you a normal life, but everything I have, everything I am, is yours.”

“I don’t want anyone else,” I manage to choke out.

“Will you marry me, solnishka? I promise I will love you and protect you and be faithful to you. I will do anything for you, baby, now and always.”

“Yes,” I whisper. “I love you too, Roman.”

He smiles and slides the ring on my finger. I barely have time to admire how stunning it is before he’s pulling me in for another kiss, this one even hungrier than the first. The towel falls off my head, and when I pull the one from my body, he gives a deep groan and runs his hands over me.

“You have no idea how badly I want to fuck you right now,” he growls against my lips. “My beautiful fiancée.”

“Then do it,” I tell him, trying to get his suit jacket off.

He laughs and gives me one more kiss before pulling back. “Not just yet, little sun. Everyone’s waiting for us.”


I turn and look at the door, wondering what he’s talking about, and that’s when I notice all the bags on the bed. All the bridal store bags on the bed.

“Roman?” I ask, looking back up at him.

He smiles and taps the tip of my nose. “Get dressed, baby, and then come find me.”

Taking one last look at my naked body, he lets out a sigh and then grabs another suit from the closet and gives me a wink as he leaves. Seeing the note Vitaly left me, he grabs it and mutters something in Russian before shutting the door and leaving me alone.

Stepping towards the huge garment bag on the bed, I pull back the zipper and then gasp at the gorgeous dress lying inside. My fingers run over the delicate lace and pearl beads that are sewn into it. When I pull it out and hold it up against my body, I feel like a goddamn princess. It’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen, and I can feel the tears threatening to spill over again. Did he actually go and pick this out for me?

I look in the other bags, spotting the gorgeous veil and the lingerie that I can already imagine Roman peeling off me, but my fingers still when I see a long, velvet box. I open it with shaky hands, and when I spot the beautiful necklace inside, my jaw drops. Did he just wake up and decide to drop a million dollars? I’m overwhelmed and feeling completely unworthy of any of this. I don’t know how the hell I got his attention in the first place, let alone his heart, and now all this?
