Page 85 of Paved in Blood

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“You already do,” I tell him.

“Okay, you can’t hog her all night,” Vitaly says with a laugh.

We pull apart so his brothers can congratulate us. After we’ve had the officiant take a ton of photos, we sign the paperwork before he’s handed what looks like an envelope stuffed with a lot of cash and leaves, wishing us both a happy life on his way to the elevator. I look around at the flower-covered patio in wonder. I should’ve done more exploring outside today because I’ve been missing out. There are lounge chairs along one side of a rectangular pool, a hot tub in the corner, and then the large tiled area we’re currently standing in.

“How did you manage all of this?”

He smiles and pulls me closer. “I did some shopping this morning. My brothers helped me.”

“You guys really went into a bridal store and picked this stuff out?”

“Why is there so much doubt in your voice?” Vitaly asks with a laugh. “You should’ve seen Roman trying to describe your size to the saleswomen.” He laughs again and holds up his hands like he’s grabbing an imaginary woman. “This is her waist.”

“You didn’t,” I say, looking up at Roman.

He shrugs. “It worked, didn’t it? You look amazing, by the way. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He drags his finger along my upper chest. “Do you like what I picked out?”

“I love everything. It’s exactly what I would’ve chosen if I’d had a million dresses to choose from.”

He smiles, pleased with himself, but then he thinks of something and says, “Oh shit,” before looking down and lifting my dress. My feet are covered in the stockinged feet of the thigh highs with my bright yellow painted toenails showing through.

“I forgot the shoes,” he groans, and then meets my eyes. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

“Why? This is way more comfortable.”

Smiling, he picks me up bridal style and kisses me again. “I love how short you are, solnishka, so maybe I’ll just keep you barefoot all the time.” He leans closer and nibbles on my ear before he whispers, “And pregnant.”

My cheeks heat up while my breath hitches and a warmth starts to build inside me. He notices my reaction and gives a soft laugh before gently biting my earlobe. By the time he sets me down, I’m ready for him to take me to bed. He gives me a wink and pats my ass.

“Soon, little sun.”

Lev comes out carrying a few bottles of vodka, distracting me from the ache that’s started between my legs, and Danil turns on some music. It may not be the wedding ceremony that most women dream of, but looking around at my husband and his brothers, I think it’s about as perfect as it can get. We talk, and I laugh so hard at the stories they tell me about Roman when he was younger that my cheeks hurt.

When the sun starts to set, Vitaly turns on the fairy lights they’d decorated the rooftop terrace in as Roman pulls me against him for a dance. The city is lit up below us, the stars peeking through above us, and my gorgeous husband is holding me in his arms and promising me the world with his eyes. It’s perfect. We sway to the music, one of his hands pressed firmly to my lower back and the other holding my hand while his thumb lightly caresses the tattoo he gave me.

“You are everything to me,” he murmurs, pressing his forehead to mine. “My life, my future, my everything.”

I kiss his hand and cup the back of his head, threading my fingers through his hair. “I love you,” I tell him. “I will always love you.”

He smiles and kisses me once more before Vitaly grabs my hand and cuts in, swinging me towards him with a mischievous grin on his handsome face.

“What?” he asks when he sees the look Roman’s giving him. “There’s no one else to dance with, Roman. Lev steps on my toes and Danil always insists on leading.”

I laugh as he spins us several feet away. “You’re such a troublemaker,” I tell him.

His whiskey-colored eyes are lit up with mischief and too much vodka. “He owes me. I spent all morning shopping with him.”

“Thanks for doing it. Everything is so beautiful. I really appreciate it.”

“Anything for you, sis,” he says and then spins me around right before Lev cuts in.

Vitaly mutters something in Russian, but he hands me over. Lev smiles and says, “Don’t listen to him. I never step on toes.”

He’s right. He’s downright graceful on the dance floor. I’m not, so I just follow his lead. I smile when he laughs at something Roman says in Russian. He loses some of the darkness that usually hangs over him with that laugh. His light-blue eyes are a bit glassy from too many shots, and the piercings on his lip and eyebrow don’t look quite so fierce. He catches me staring at his lip ring.

“I was fifteen when I got that,” he says, smiling again. “Danil had just stolen us a bunch of money from his shitty stepdad, and my dad had just beat the hell out of me yet again, so I was ready to do something a bit crazy. Matvey asked what the hell we were going to do with all of it, and your husband said whatever the hell we wanted.” He laughs at the memory, “So I said I wanted to get a piercing.”

“I’m sorry about your dad,” I say, wishing life had been easier for them.
