Page 82 of Paved in Blood

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“I think you might like something in here,” she says, holding out a large, velvet box. “We have an array of colored diamonds that we keep back for those who are looking for that little something extra.”

I almost laugh. That little something extra just means more money. I’m fine with spending whatever it takes to get the right ring, but to act like even glancing in this box of a thousand wonders is a privilege that only few are allowed is fucking ridiculous.

She opens the lid to show me several rows of rings, each of them in different colors. I look past the pink diamonds. Pretty, but not what I’m looking for. When I get to the last row, I know I’ve found what I want.

“That one,” I say, pointing to the large, yellow, square diamond that’s surrounded by white diamonds, all of it on a delicate platinum band. It’s perfect for my little sun. She holds it out to me, and when I take it, I can tell it’ll be the perfect fit.

“That’s nice,” Matvey says, coming up to stand next to me.

He shoves a small bag in his pocket, and when the woman takes the ring to put it in a box for me, I say, “Alina will like the earrings.”

He looks at me but doesn’t say anything, just gives a small nod. It’s not the first time I’ve caught him buying something for my sister. She’s going to have quite the stash to go through when we get her back.

When the woman returns, I pick out a platinum band for Emily that matches her engagement ring and a more masculine version for myself, and then I add in a diamond necklace that has yellow diamonds mixed in to look like a line of small flowers. I swear the woman nearly orgasms when she rings up the bill and I hand her my card. When we walk out of the store, Matvey calls to see how the others are doing.

“Everything looks good,” Matvey says when he hangs up. “Let’s go get your bride.”

Chapter 14


As soon as I wake, I reach for Roman. When there’s nothing but a cool sheet beneath my fingers, I sit up and look for him. Disappointed to find myself alone, I get out of bed and grab my robe. After brushing my teeth, I head out of the room, stopping when I see the paper taped to the door. I read the big, bold letters.

Do not leave the penthouse! We’re out doing important stuff with your fiancé.

Hugs and kisses,


I laugh and step into the hallway. “Roman? Are you guys back yet?”

Silence is my answer. After making a cup of coffee, I look around the living room. It’s weird to have it be so quiet and empty. Taking advantage of the fact that I’m alone, I take my mug and decide to do a little exploring.

Walking upstairs, I’m surprised yet again by how damn big this place is. I take the first hallway and soon find myself standing in a massive room that’s been converted into a gym. Punching bags hang from the ceiling, three treadmills line one wall, and there’s enough weightlifting equipment here to keep them all ripped til the end of time.

I keep exploring, finding a few bathrooms and then two hallways that lead off to bedrooms that I’m not about to snoop through. The floor-to-ceiling windows let in massive amounts of light and give one hell of a view. After I go back downstairs to the main living area, I walk down the hall in the opposite direction of Roman’s rooms and find another staircase leading to another lower level.

This level is just as big as the other two. One room is set up with a pool table and there’s a bar in the corner with an entertainment center and several gaming systems. I’m guessing a lot of time is spent here when they can’t sleep.

When I pass a hallway to go back upstairs, one of the bedroom doors is open, and I catch sight of a desk with several large monitors and an open laptop. I guess I found Danil’s room. No way in hell am I going in there. I can just imagine the embarrassment at having to explain that I crashed his entire system when I was putting my nose where it absolutely doesn’t belong. Yeah, no thanks. I climb back up the stairs, deciding to jump in the shower before they get back. On my way to get cleaned up, I grab a package of mini muffins I find in a cabinet and refill my coffee.

Glancing over, I see another note taped to the elevator door. With my muffins and coffee in hand, I walk over to see what it says.

Do not leave the penthouse for any reason whatsoever!

Hugs and kisses,


With a grin I head back to our side of the house. I take my time in the shower, wanting Roman to be back by the time I’m done. After I’m all washed up and shaved, I step out and dry off, twisting my hair up into a towel before looking in the mirror.

“Holy shit,” I say, eyeing the dark bruise on my face. I’ve been avoiding the damn mirror all morning, trying to believe that the injuries would look better today, but it’s worse, definitely worse. Grabbing my makeup, I set to work. By the time I’m done, I’ve managed to take it from a holy shit, what the hell happened to you to an ouch, that looks like it probably hurts a little bit. At least Roman won’t have a stroke when he sees me now.

I’ve just finished that thought when there’s a soft knock at the door. “Solnishka, we’re back.”

I smile and open the door, throwing my arms around him in a big hug. He laughs and picks me up, bringing his hand up under my towel so he can cup my ass.

“This is how you should always greet me, baby.”
