Page 81 of Paved in Blood

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“No fucking promises,” I mutter as we’re shepherded into the next room. After watching Vitaly paw through everything, I’m just about to lose it when he walks off with the brunette. They disappear into one of the changing rooms, where I have no doubt he’s convinced her to model something for him. The fucker has the nerve to look back and give me a wink before he shuts the curtain.

“Oh, come on,” Danil says with a laugh. “You’ve got to admit that shit’s pretty funny.”

When Lev disappears behind the other curtain with the blonde, Danil sighs, “Okay, well now it’s just kind of sad for me.”

I look over at him. “You need to get your dick pierced, I guess.”

He winces and laughs. “I do just fine without it, thank you very much.”

I let out a groan when soft moans start to filter out into the main area. Scrubbing a hand over my face, I get back to the job at hand. Without Vitaly cracking jokes and trying to get a rise out of me, it doesn’t take long for me to find something that I can’t wait to tear off Emily’s body.

“Don’t you need a veil?” Matvey asks from the corner. He’s holding up two long veils, one of them embedded with a bunch of sparkly shit.

“There’s a reason the grooms don’t usually do this,” I mutter, walking over to him. I look at the different choices, feeling a headache start to throb at the base of my neck. “Jesus fucking Christ.” I look at the wall of choices and then glance at my watch.

When Danil sees my worried face, he says, “Relax, we left her a note so she won’t go anywhere if she wakes up before we get back.”

I’m about to say thanks, but then a thought occurs to me. “Where’d you leave the note?”

Danil holds up his hands and laughs. “The sheet was pulled up, Roman. I promise no one saw a fucking thing.”

“This one,” Matvey says, distracting me from the anger that’s starting to build. He pulls down what looks to be a simple veil, but the part that goes in her hair looks like a delicate tiara with crystals. It’s feminine without being over the top, and it’ll go with her dress. It’s the exact one I would’ve picked out for her.

“Thanks, man,” I tell him. “It’s perfect.”

A loud moan fills the room, and I let out another “Jesus fucking Christ” before grabbing everything and setting it on the counter. I wait exactly three more minutes, because I’m fucking nice like that, before I yell, “You have one minute to get your asses out here before I walk out the door and steal all this shit!”

“Cruel,” Danil says with a laugh.

I smile and grab my credit card. “I think I’ve been more than generous.”

The two women come running out, hair a mess and clothes looking far more wrinkled than they were a few minutes ago. Breathless, the blonde takes my card and starts to ring me up. Lev and Vitaly come walking over, all smiles and shit-eating grins.

“We should shop in places like this more often,” Vitaly says in Russian. “The women are horny as hell. Must be all the wedding shit.”

“Well, we’re hitting the jewelry store next. Try your best to not fuck anyone there,” I say, taking back my card.

Lev smiles and says in Russian while he looks at the blonde he just fucked, “No promises.”

With my arms loaded up, we leave the store, but not before I see the two women pass their numbers along. Yeah, like that’s going to fucking happen. The two slips of paper will be in the trash before we’ve even hit the next store on the list.

Since we’ve been gone too long as it is, Vitaly and Lev and Danil decide to grab the flowers and find an officiant who can be persuaded to work immediately, while Matvey and I head to the jewelry store.

We walk into the store, and when I see the young women behind the counter whose faces light up when they see us, I’m relieved that Vitaly and Lev are nowhere around. I know for a fact that Matvey won’t be running off for a quickie with any of them.

One of the women comes forward with a big, flirty smile on her face. “Can I help you find something?”

I ignore the flirtation. “I need an engagement ring and a set of wedding bands.”

Matvey walks off to look at the closest display case while the young woman leads me to the other side of the room. Everywhere I look, something is sparkling, but none of it is calling to me. I scan the glass cases, and it all looks the same—none of it worthy of my girl.

“Have anything better?” I ask her.

She lifts a brow in surprise.

“These all look the same,” I say, waving my hand over the display. “The woman I’m about to marry is special. She needs something unique and beautiful, just like her.”

The woman smiles, and this time it’s genuine without a hint of flirtation. She holds up a finger for me to wait and then disappears in the back. I look over and see one of the other women showing Matvey a pair of diamond and ruby earrings. Alina loves rubies. I turn back around when I hear footsteps heading my way.
