Page 73 of Paved in Blood

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“Oh fuck!” Johnny yells when Roman’s brothers walk in.

I’m still being held to the floor, naked from the waist down, which makes it impossible for me to meet his brothers’ eyes, but I’m so fucking glad they’re here.

“Get your fucking hands off her,” Roman growls.

The men let go, keeping their hands held up while they face the five armed, pissed-off Russians. I pull my dress down, scurrying back until I hit the wall.

“Look,” Frank says. “We were told she was a discard. It’s not our fucking fault Brandy lied to us.”

When he goes to tuck his puny dick back in his pants, Roman says, “No, keep it out.”

Frank gives a laugh, but even I can tell it’s forced. “Yeah, no offense, but I’m not into dudes.”

Roman doesn’t say anything, just turns his attention to me. “Are you okay, solnishka?”

I nod, but he says, “Tell me, baby. I need to hear you say it.”

“I’m okay.” I try to keep my voice steady, but there’s no hiding the tremor in it. I keep my eyes on Roman, letting him see the truth of what I’m saying. I’m most definitely not okay, but they didn’t rape me. He got here in time to stop it.

“I thought she couldn’t speak English,” Johnny says, looking back at me like my lying about not understanding English is the big sin of the day.

“You haven’t said a word?” Matvey asks me.

I look away from Roman to meet his brother’s eyes. “I didn’t want to give anything away.”

“Damn,” Vitaly says.

When I look at the five of them, I see nothing but respect in their eyes, and seeing that makes my throbbing head hurt a little less.

“You beat her,” Matvey says, walking over to Johnny.

“Five guys against one woman,” Lev says, standing in front of the one in the baseball cap. “Not a very fair fight.”

Vitaly and Danil each stand in front of the other two while Roman keeps his focus on Frank.

“You were going to rape my woman?” Roman asks him.

“I didn’t know, man,” Frank starts blubbering, looking even more pathetic now that his tiny penis is shriveled up from fear.

“That’s a lie,” I whisper, but it’s loud enough for Roman to hear.

“What’s that, solnishka?”

“Someone called him and warned him that you were coming. He told Frank that you’d killed Brandy and that she had lied about everything. He knew I belonged to you and that you were on your way to get me.”

“She’s just a whore,” Frank whines, unable to wrap his brain around the fact that these men are pissed that I was beaten and almost raped.

When Frank sees the knife in Roman’s hands, his face pales while the others whisper a few oh shits and fucks.

“I want you to know that after I cut off your pathetic dick, I’m also going to be taking your tongue.”

I start to feel queasy again and scoot back further down the wall.

“Solnishka,” Roman says, looking over at me and waiting until I meet his eyes. They’re still the familiar eyes I fell in love with, but there’s no denying the fact that the man I love has another side to him, and that side is about to come out and paint this room red. “Look away, baby.”

As soon as he says it, I close my eyes and turn my head, wincing when I hear the wet sounds of flesh being torn open and the raw, guttural screams coming from the men around me. It’s the exact same kind of scream I’d just been giving, but they hadn’t given two fucks about that, so I try not to give one about them.

It’s damn hard to not cringe when I hear Frank’s wet, garbled screams, though. I can hear the blood bubbling up in his throat and the wet, fleshy sounds of his tongue being cut off.
