Page 72 of Paved in Blood

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I let out a whimper when he brings his hand up to cup one of my breasts. He gives my nipple a hard pinch right as the bathroom door is thrown open. Frank fills the doorway, and his pissed-off face is enough to have me caving in on myself as much as possible.

“What the hell, Johnny? I brought her here to share, motherfucker.”

Frank grabs my arm while Johnny gives me a wink and slaps my ass when I’m pulled past him. Back out in the living room, Frank lets me go. I turn in a circle, looking at the five men who surround me. I can’t help but compare them to the five other men in my life and how they couldn’t be more different if they tried. The Melnikov brothers are far more imposing than these fucks, yet they’ve never once made me feel anything but safe.

The men laugh when I stumble and let out another scared yelp. They’re having so much fun that it takes them a second to notice the low ringtone coming from Frank’s pocket. Finally, he grabs it and says, “Yeah, what do you want?”

His eyes dart to mine, and the anger in them has me taking another step back.

“What the fuck do you mean she lied to me?”

He listens to the answer, and whatever it is he’s heard, he’s not happy about it.

“He slit Brandy’s throat?”

That catches the attention of the others as all eyes turn to Frank. I replay what he’s said, but my mind is having a hard time processing anything right now. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t passed out from fear yet.

As soon as Frank hangs up, the others start asking questions. Frank growls out a, “Shut the fuck up and let me think,” before putting his phone away and stalking towards me. He grabs my wrist, moving the rubber band aside to reveal the tattoo of Roman’s name.

“Looks like Brandy lied. She’s not a discard,” he says.

“What the fuck do you mean?” Johnny asks.

“Her owner, this Roman guy, is livid and on his way. He fucking killed Brandy.”

“Holy shit,” one of the guys who’d been playing video games says. “Can’t we just explain that it was a misunderstanding? I mean, nobody fucked her.”

“Yeah,” the guy next to him says. “No harm, no foul.”

Frank turns his dark eyes back to mine. “I liked Brandy,” he says, stepping closer. “She’d always blow me when I asked, and she was damn good at it.” He grabs onto my shoulders and presses me down, forcing me to kneel before him. “Let’s see how good you are, little bitch.”

“What the fuck are you doing?” Johnny asks. “He’s going to kill you for this.”

“How the hell is he going to know if she gives me a blowjob?” He starts to unzip his pants, and when I try to get to my feet, he backhands me hard enough to make my vision spotty.

“Well, he’s sure as hell going to notice that,” Johnny growls.

“We’ll say Brandy roughed her up,” Frank says, laughing as he reaches in to get his cock.

With his hands busy, I get up and run for the door, but one of the other guys grabs me and holds me against him so I can’t move. Frank storms over, his small cock out and bobbing with each step he takes. This time when he hits me, I taste blood, and knowing Roman is on his way but that I’m still about to be assaulted is too much. Something inside me snaps. Without even thinking, I throw my head back, ignoring the sharp blast of pain that sears through my skull and instead focusing on the crunch of bone as the man screams and drops his hands.

“Get her!” he yells, and the anger behind his words has my heart hammering in my chest.

Frank lunges for me, but I sidestep him. I run for the door. My hand reaches the handle right before a fist hits me in the ribs, knocking the breath from me as I drop to my knees. The next punch is to my face, and when he grips my hair to hit me again, my wig is pulled free, giving me just enough time to roll to my side and avoid his next hit.

“Lose something?” Johnny taunts, holding my blonde wig out to me with a little shake.

“Not a natural blonde, huh?” Frank asks. He steps closer, and I can’t help but notice he hasn’t lost his erection.

“That’s a shame, but I’m guessing your little cunt is shaved anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter. Let’s find out,” Johnny says, kneeling down and grabbing my arms while Frank grabs one of my flailing legs.

“I know it is,” Frank murmurs in a low voice, grabbing my other leg and pinning them down before spreading me wide. “I felt it on the way here, didn’t I, little bitch?”

He spreads my legs as far as they’ll go, smiling when it makes my dress slide all the way up, revealing the lacy, red panties I’m wearing. Frank gives a disgusting moan as his cock bobs and draws closer. I scream and try like hell to fight, but when the other men come over to help hold me down, I know it’s over.

I scream again, putting all my rage and anguish into the sound because it’s the only weapon I have right now. The men around me just laugh. My breaths are so fast, I know I’m hyperventilating, but I can’t stop it. I can’t calm down. Right when Frank reaches up and rips my panties off, the front door bursts open, and I nearly faint with relief when I see Roman’s face.

His suit jacket is gone, white dress shirt pulled up with his inked forearms on full display. Dried blood is splattered on his shirt, and he looks like the world’s sexiest avenging angel. I’ve never seen anyone look as angry as he does when he runs his eyes over me and sees what’s about to happen. His green eyes meet mine, and for just one second they soften, and I see all the pain and torment in them, but then it’s gone, and there’s nothing but bloodthirsty rage.
