Page 74 of Paved in Blood

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“Fucking hell,” I whisper, cupping my hands over my ears because the sounds of bodies being stabbed mixed with pained screams and fists pummeling flesh into bloody pulp is more than I can take.

It feels like it goes on forever, like it will never fucking end, and when I feel hands grab my forearms, I scream and try to scramble away, keeping my eyes pinched shut.

“Baby, it’s me,” Roman says, and I can hear the pain in his voice at having scared me. “Solnishka, it’s okay. It’s just me.”

I open my eyes, and when I see his face, my whole body slumps in relief and I fling myself into his arms. I don’t care that he just killed a man. I don’t care that he’s covered in blood. I don’t care about anything except the feel of his arms around me and the sound of his voice in my ear. He holds me while I cry, whispering to me in Russian, and then telling me in English how much he loves me.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry they got their hands on you.”

“It’s not your fault,” I tell him. “You got here in time. That’s all that matters.”

He closes his eyes and presses his forehead to mine as he softly shakes his head. “When I realized you weren’t there, fuck,” he groans. His eyes meet mine, and the pain in them hurts worse than anything those men did to me. “I can’t lose you. I won’t survive it if I do. We’re done with this.”

“What? No,” I quickly say, gripping his wrists. “We can’t stop now. I know we’re getting close.” I look at his brothers, all of them covered in blood, but it’s the look in Matvey’s eyes that stops me. He looks calmer than I’ve ever seen him look. His hood is pulled back, and his hands covered in blood, but there’s a lightness to his mood that wasn’t there before. Maybe it’s because he just killed a man, I don’t know, but he’s relaxed, and he even gives me a small smile.

“We’re not stopping, solnishka,” Roman says, pulling my eyes back to his, “but your part in this is done.”

“But,” I start to say, but he cuts me off with a kiss. It’s a gentle kiss, a sweet one, but I can feel the hunger just below the surface, the promise of what’s going to happen once we’re back home.

“We’ll talk more about this later,” he says, giving me one more kiss before helping me stand. He unbuttons his shirt before putting it on me and slowly buttoning it back up. It’s bloodstained, but at least I’m not half-naked anymore. He keeps his body positioned in front of mine so I can’t easily see any of the carnage they’ve left on the floor.

“I’m going to do a quick search for computers,” Danil says before going up the stairs with Lev right behind him. Vitaly and Matvey start looking around downstairs.

Roman picks me up and whispers, “Close your eyes, baby.”

I keep them closed, but curiosity gets the better of me, and I open them just in time to see Frank, or what’s left of him. His dick is cut off and shoved down his throat while his severed tongue lies on the floor by his head. There’s a large gaping wound where his throat used to be, and he’s been stabbed so many times I can see glimpses of white bone through the mangled, meaty flesh.

“Jesus Christ,” I groan, feeling my stomach threaten to unload again.

Roman sighs and cups the back of my head while he kisses my cheek. “I told you not to look, baby.”

“I couldn’t resist,” I admit in a whisper.

“Why am I not surprised?” He’s not angry, just resigned to the fact that I’m probably always going to get my ass into a little bit of trouble.

“Thanks for coming to get me.”

He stops and gently fists my hair so he can pull me back enough to look into my eyes. “Solnishka, there’s nothing in this world that could’ve stopped me from finding you. You will never be in this position again, though. I can fucking promise you that. My heart can’t take it, baby.”

“Did you really kill Brandy?”

“Fuck yes I did.”

I’m not sure what I’m expecting, maybe a hint of remorse. I mean, there should be some, right? But there isn’t anything in his eyes except relief at having me in his arms and a satisfaction at knowing he’s killed the people responsible for hurting me. I should probably be more worried about the lack of a conscience, but I’m not. I’m just glad he found me in time, and I’m glad I won’t have to worry about those bastards ever touching me again.

“Nothing here,” Danil says, coming down the stairs with Lev. “There’s a room upstairs filled with mattresses, and there’s a deadbolt on the outside of the door, so it looks like this is where they keep women from time to time. No computers, though, or anything worth taking with us.”

“Nothing down here either,” Matvey says. He grabs my discarded wig and hands it to Roman as he walks by, surprising me when he gives my shoulder a soft squeeze. I know Matvey doesn’t like to touch or be touched, so I know how huge this is. I look over at him and smile, hoping he can see how much I appreciate it.

When Roman’s phone rings, he grabs it. “David’s going to be less than pleased,” he says with laugh before answering the call.

He keeps me in his arms and his eyes on mine as he listens to whatever David is telling him. Then he laughs again and says, “I’m afraid your call came a little too late. They’re already dead.” He’s quiet for a second, and then says, “Yes, all of them.”

I keep my hands braced on his strong, bare chest, and when I lift my eyes to his, he gives me another wink. I smile. Despite everything that’s happened and the bloody room we’re still standing in, I still can’t help but smile at him. Yeah, I’ve got it bad, and there’s no going back.

“It was necessary,” Roman says. “My brothers and I walked in on him and his friends trying to rape my girl.” His eyes look past me to the dead bodies on the floor. “You’ve got a bit of a mess to clean up.”

His tone is harder when he says, “Look, you fucked up tonight, David. Your club is supposed to offer a safe place for men to go to with their possessions. Mine was stolen from me, beaten, and almost raped. That’s not a good look for your club. Be happy that my brothers and I still want to do business with you at all. Be happy,” he growls out, “that we’re going to keep quiet about this fuck-up of yours.”
