Page 65 of Paved in Blood

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“You’re too good for this place, solnishka, but that’s not going to stop me from fucking you in it, so if that’s not what you want, you need to tell me right now.”

“I want this,” I beg, fisting the back of his hair, and I’m surprised by how badly I do. I want this moment where things are normal between us, where I remember who we are, and where I can forget about all the shit around us. I want him. I need him.

With a groan he roughly pushes my panties aside and positions his cock at my slit. “Look at me, baby.”

I pull back and meet his green eyes. A thrill runs through me when I see the raw hunger in them.

“Don’t look away,” he warns right before he slides into me.

“Fuck!” I gasp when his thick size forces me to spread wider than my body wants to.

“Always so fucking tight,” he growls, burying himself as deeply as he can. “You’re mine, little sun, no one else’s. I don’t care where we’re at or who we’re around. You. Are. Mine.”

“Yes,” I whisper, keeping my eyes on his as he starts to fuck me hard enough to shake the goddamn door. I lose myself in him, accepting the gift that this is. He’s taking me out of this nasty club with each hard thrust he gives me. With his green eyes locked on mine, he surrounds me in his presence, and when the orgasm rips through me, I transcend this place with a scream.

Chapter 11


Emily’s eyes start to drift closed with her pleasure, but I dig my fingers into her ass and slam into her hard enough to pop her eyes back open. I want her brown eyes on me. She’s my anchor. She’s the one thing keeping me sane in this hellhole.

Her screams fill David’s office, and I have just enough brain cells still working to whisper, “No English, baby.”

She nods around her moan, her pussy clenching me so goddamn tightly. I’m not ready for this to end, but I know we can’t stay here for long. Less than a minute later there’s a loud knock at the door. I smile at the look of absolute horror on Emily’s face.

“What?” I yell while giving her a wink.

“Roman, for fuck’s sake,” David groans. “We have rooms for this. I don’t let people use my office.”

“Couldn’t help myself,” I growl out, thrusting into her even harder so the door shakes. “We’ll be right out!”

I stare into Emily’s eyes and fuck her hard, refusing to let David creep into this moment. With a growl, I let her perfect, tight cunt milk me of everything I have. I tell her in Russian how much I love her, how fucking addicted I am to her, and that I’m never letting her go. She whimpers and nods her head. She may not understand the words, but she sure as hell gets the sentiment.

Keeping myself inside her, I kiss her slowly, savoring the taste and feel of her as my cock grows soft. David gives another loud knock, and I know we’ve pushed this as far as we can. I give her lip one last suck and then lift her off me, setting her down and fixing her panties. When I feel how wet she is, I give her a wink and tuck my cock back in my pants. We have no choice but to stay covered in our mixed cum, but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I like wearing my girl’s release.

Before I open the door, I cup her face and give her a soft kiss, whispering, “I love you,” against her lips. As soon as she says it back, I open the door and smile at David.

“Sorry, man. I thought my pet needed a reward for taking her mark like a good girl.”

David looks at Emily, and it’s painfully obvious she’s just been fucked good and hard. I needed to make this look believable, but I wasn’t sure if Emily would actually want me to fuck her. It was just a nice surprise that she did. After Danil left, I knew it would be suspicious if we all just showed up several minutes later, but I thought if David heard us fucking in his office, he wouldn’t think much of it. He’s not thrilled we used his space, but at least he doesn’t look suspicious.

“Won’t happen again,” I assure him, grabbing Emily and leading her out the door.

He sighs and follows us out, making a point of locking the door behind him. We walk back through the crowd, and I want to laugh at the looks people are giving me. I guess it’s unusual for someone to get their face smashed against the bar. I hope they all remember it the next time they think about putting their hands on Emily, because next time, I won’t be stopping at a busted up mouth and broken nose.

Vitaly and Danil are waiting for us, and I can see the excitement in Danil’s eyes. I know we’re all eager to find out what the hell was on that laptop, but we need to stick around for a bit longer. When I sit down next to Danil, Emily surprises me. Instead of getting in my lap like I’m expecting, she drops to her knees and nestles up against my leg, resting the side of her face against my thigh. It’s fucking sexy as hell to see her kneeling before me, even if it is just for show.

She turns her eyes to mine and gives me a small smile when I bring my hand to the nape of her neck and caress her skin. I wish she wasn’t wearing this stupid wig so I could stroke her hair.

“I think your pet is happy with her reward,” David says.

I wink at Emily and say, “What can I say? She really loves my cock.”

We all share a laugh while I secretly think about how good it’s going to feel when I can finally kill David instead of pretending to like the bastard. Vitaly laughs and says in Russian, “God, I fucking hate this dickhead.”

Danil raises the glass of vodka in his hand like he’s giving a toast and looks right at David and says, “To the day we finally get to kill this slimy bastard.”

We all raise our glasses. David smiles and drinks to his own impending death. It can’t come too fucking soon.
