Page 66 of Paved in Blood

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When a waitress walks by, I wave her over and ask her to get a Sprite, since I was sidetracked earlier, and Emily’s probably really thirsty by now. I stroke her cheek in apology and hand her the drink as soon as the waitress brings it over. She smiles up at me and takes a drink before resting her head against my thigh again. Her hand slips up my suit leg. She runs her fingers along my calf, softly grazing her nails across my skin, and it feels like pure heaven.

Vitaly switches back to English and says, “David was just telling me that they’ve got a few new girls coming in tomorrow night.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask. “Where are they from?”

“Mostly from the surrounding states, but if you or your brothers are looking for women closer to your native country, then you’ll have to wait a bit longer. We’ve got a nice shipment coming in from Eastern Europe next month.”

Emily’s fingers freeze on my leg as all her attention turns to what we’re talking about. I lazily drag my fingers along her neck and shoulders like I don’t have a care in the world and say, “We might be interested in seeing that shipment.”

“Good to know,” David says. “We’ve got plenty of time for all that, though. Come back tomorrow and see the new group. It’ll give you an idea of what to expect, how quickly the girls get picked, that sort of thing. We’ll be having an auction for the merchandise coming in next month. Tomorrow night will be on a much smaller scale, but it’ll give you an idea of how we do things.”

The last fucking thing I want is to come back here again so soon, but I give a nod and say, “Sounds good.”

We sit around for another hour, drinking and talking about women as if they’re fucking cattle until Danil finally says, “I can’t take one more fucking second of this shit.”

“Agreed,” Vitaly says, and then switches to English. “We’ve got some things to take care of, but we’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Hopefully Lev can make it,” David says.

“He’ll be here,” Danil says, and I can hear the unspoken ending of because I’m sure as fuck not coming back.

Emily kisses my thigh before putting her hand in mine so I can help her up. I can tell she’s exhausted, but she’s hanging in there for us, and I love her so fucking much for it. I’ve never met anyone like her. Selflessness and empathy are not things we run into in our line of work, but she has willingly put herself at risk over and over again for us, for me. It’s not something I take lightly. Loyalty is everything, and she’s shown it to me over and over again. The fresh ink on her wrist is proof of that.

Walking through the club, I notice that the men around us give us a little more room than they had before. I guess no one wants to accidentally touch Emily. Fine with me. As much as I’d like the excuse to kill a few of them, I’m more than happy for them to keep their filthy hands off her.

The bouncer steps aside and gives us a nod as we exit, and as soon as we’re to the SUV, I let out a sigh, letting my shoulders relax for the first time in hours. I climb in the back with Emily, and when she reaches for her seatbelt, Matvey notices the new tattoo.

“What the fuck happened in there?”

Emily flinches at the anger in his voice, and Matvey immediately softens and says in English, “I just wanted to know what happened.” He points to her tattoo. “What did they do to you?”

“Holy shit,” Lev says from the front.

I sigh and scrub a hand over my face, letting Vitaly tell the story because I don’t fucking feel like it. Grabbing Emily’s arm, I bring her wrist to my lips and kiss it. “We have some ointment we can put on it when we get home,” I tell her.

“Home, huh?” she asks, giving me a small smile. “Don’t forget I still have an apartment and a job that I’m supposed to be at tomorrow night.”

I lean closer and cup her face. “Move in with me and quit your job.”

She laughs, but when I don’t join in, she says, “I can’t just quit my job.”

“Sure you can,” Vitaly says, because he’s a nosy bastard and can’t help himself.

“You’re one of us now,” Lev says, pulling the SUV out onto the main road. “Don’t forget that, little sis. We take care of each other.”

Emily smiles but doesn’t say anything.

“Please, solnishka.” I lean in closer so our lips are almost touching. “I can’t let you go, so we can either sleep at your place or mine, but at least at the penthouse we’re safe.”

“And it’s a lot nicer,” she says with a smile.

“You can thank Danil for that. He’s been stealing us money since we were kids.”

“Don’t worry, Emily,” Danil says with a smile. “I can steal you some too.”

All our money doesn’t come from Danil’s thieving ways, but we don’t earn any money legitimately. It’s all blood money in one way or another. It’s who we are, but my little sun already knows we’re not a bunch of white knights out saving the day. We’re the bad guys. Being against sick fucks like David and her dad doesn’t make us the good guys, and there’s no point in pretending it does.

“Just think about it,” I whisper against her lips before giving her a soft kiss.
