Page 64 of Paved in Blood

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Without any warning, he turns the gun on, but before he puts the needle to my skin, Roman stops him.

“I’ll do it,” he says, holding out his hand for the gun. When David hesitates, he says, “The only one who’s allowed to mark her is me.”

David’s lips lift up in a slight smirk, but he hands the gun over and leans back in his chair to watch. Roman angles me how he needs me and then puts the needle to my skin. I jump at the sensation, but he tightens his grip on me so the tattoo doesn’t get fucked up. He murmurs something in Russian to me, and I don’t know what it means, but it makes me feel better. His hand keeps gripping my arm, and his thumb caresses my skin the whole time he works.

When I look over, I see Vitaly leaning against the wall. He gives me a quick thumbs up, and I smile in return. When I look at Danil, his grey eyes are focused on the laptop sitting on the desk to my right. I can feel how badly he wants to reach out and grab it. There’s probably a shit ton of information on that thing, and it would be like Christmas in July if Danil could get twenty minutes alone with it.

Not wanting to draw attention to it, I put my focus back on my wrist, watching him slowly etch his name into my skin. I don’t hate the mark. I just don’t like how we’re having to do it or the reasons why we’re having to do it. I watch as Roman finishes up the M and starts on the A. His thumb keeps caressing my skin, making me forget about the sting of the needle or the vile club we’re in.

After a few more minutes, the tattoo is done, and Roman pulls my arm closer, inspecting his name that’s now permanently inked on my skin. He drags his thumb beneath it, grazing the skin right below the black letters.

He looks at David. “I did what you asked, and now if anyone touches her, I will fucking kill them. That’s my warning to you. You won’t get another one.”

David smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “You should learn to control that temper, Roman.” His eyes turn to me. “And you shouldn’t get so attached to your little pets.”

Roman’s fingers tighten around my waist. “That sounds a little like a threat, David.”

David laughs and holds up his hands before putting the tattoo equipment away. “It’s not a threat. It’s just an observation. You said yourself that sometimes your pets need to be replaced. It seems unwise to get so attached.”

“And I told you I’ve put a lot of time into this one.” Roman grips my forearm tightly and extends my arm, putting my new mark on full display. “She is an extension of me. Any disrespect shown to her will be taken as a personal insult. Is that clear?”

David’s lips form a hard line before he says, “Like I said, it was just an observation. She’s marked. No one else is allowed to touch her. If they do, you have my permission to do whatever you feel is necessary.”

Roman lets out a soft laugh. “I’ll remember that.”

David gets up and starts to walk to the door, and I’m just about to whisper to Roman that we need to find a way for Danil to have some alone time with David’s laptop when Roman looks back at Danil and gives him a slight nod and says something in Russian. Vitaly immediately hops up and walks over to David, clapping the man on the back as he gives a soft laugh.

“So when are you getting some fresh faces in here? Don’t get me wrong, I like the selection you have now, I really do, but everything you mentioned about the marks has me curious. How does someone go about getting a woman with a black viper tat?”

“That’s very expensive merchandise,” David says with a big grin.

Vitaly laughs. “Good thing we’re filthy fucking rich.”

David laughs as Vitaly leads him back out into the main area. Once we step out, Danil shuts the door to the office, locking himself inside while Roman picks me up and presses me against the wall, hiding the closed door from view if anyone takes a quick glance down the hall. He buries his face against my neck and groans.

“I’m sorry, solnishka.”

His breath is a whisper against my skin, and when I wrap my arms and legs around him, he has to keep a tight grip on my ass to keep my dress from riding up and showing off way more skin than either of us wants.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind having your name on me. Thanks for doing it. I would’ve hated having David tattoo it on me.”

“Never, baby. He doesn’t get to touch you. Only me.” He kisses my neck, letting out a soft groan as he runs his tongue along my skin. “You’re the only thing that keeps me sane in this place.”

“I’m not so sure sane is the word I’d use to describe you,” I say with a soft laugh. “I thought for sure you were going to kill that guy.”

“I wanted to, solnishka.” His teeth graze along my skin. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to keep smacking his fucking head against the bar until there was nothing left of him.”

My breath catches at his words. It shouldn’t turn me on that he’s willing to kill to protect me, but there’s no denying that it does. He notices my reaction and gives a soft laugh.

“I love how you always surprise me, baby. Who knew you had a little bit of bloodlust in you?” He gives my neck a hard enough bite to pull a low moan from my body. “I bet your little thong is soaked for me, isn’t it, little sun?”

“Yes,” I moan, trying to rock my hips against him, but his grip on my ass is too tight and not allowing me to move.

He leans closer, pressing his hard cock against my pussy, letting me feel how badly he needs me. When he moves his hips, my eyes roll back in my head as I cling to him even tighter. The door opens beside us right as I whisper “Please” in his ear. Danil emerges from the room, takes one look at us, and gives a soft laugh. Roman growls something to him in Russian and then carries me inside, slamming the door shut when he presses my body against it.

“Are you sure?”

His green eyes search mine, but I don’t even need to think about it. I nod my head and pull him in for a kiss as he unzips his pants.
